Finding Meaning in Context
Reasoning from the Text
Understanding Direct Statements
The passage implies that the little girl: a. steals her dad's money b. loans money to people c. loves Candy Crush
b. loans money to people
Amala and her father agree on: a. charity can make a small difference b. charity can make a big difference c. charity makes no difference
b. charity can make a big difference
What does Amara state that she could be doing with her money instead of loaning?
“I could spend my money on clothes or fun stuff,” she said.
Look at the website. Is this a real microloan program?
Mavis, a married mom in Ghana who wants to expand her home-based drinking water business. What is the meaning of the phrase 'home-based'? a. takes place in people's homes b. takes place in her home c. takes place at home base
b. takes place in her home
The passage implies that women in Lebanon, Peru and Tajikistan: a. need money b. need jobs c. both a and b
c. both a and b
This experience will most likely lead Amara to: a. a career in business b. a career in the nonprofit sector c. a loan
b. a career in the nonprofit sector
According to the article, after reviewing profiles, how many women did Amara choose to finance?
Look at the website. It says to 'choose a borrower.' What does that mean? a. Choose which project to help fund b. Choose money for yourself c. Choose who you would like to borrow from
a. Choose which project to help fund
network of volunteers Which word could the author have used instead of 'network'?
The author might agree that: a. Microloans are not helpful in bringing change. b. Microloans are helpful in bringing change. c. Microloans are too small to help.
b. Microloans are helpful in bringing change.
Which of these conclusions can the reader draw based on the passage? a. Amara will continue to lend money for the rest of her life. b. Amara will continue to lend money until she needs a loan herself. c. Amara will need more money from her father to continue loaning.
a. Amara will continue to lend money for the rest of her life.
How many of Amara's clients have defaulted on their loan?
Look at the website. With whom can you join a lending team?
Lending teams are self-organized groups built around common interests, school affiliation or location. (so with anyone at school, on a team, or in your town)
Although he introduced Amara to — the nonprofit microloan foundation that manages her account — Kirkpatrick said he’s allowed his daughter to make all the decisions. The author uses the word "nonprofit" to mean: a. not widely recognized b. not making any money c. not related to business
b. not making any money
“I like to make loans to women, because in many parts of the world, women aren’t treated as well as they are here in America.” What can the reader assume about the women in Lebanon, Peru and Tajikistan?
Women in Lebanon, Peru, and Tajikistan are not treated as well as American women.
What conclusion can the reader draw after reading this passage? a. Amala will travel all over the world helping people when she is older. b. Amala will start her own microbusiness and finance her own loan. c. Amala will pursue a career as a lawyer fighting for justice and equal opportunities for all.
c. Amala will pursue a career as a lawyer fighting for justice and equal opportunities for all.
What is the smallest amount of money that someone can invest using Kiva?
Look at the website. You can fund a 'start-up.' What is a 'start-up?'
Start-ups are new businesses
"So far, none of Amara’s clients have defaulted on their loans." Using context clues from the article, which of the following answer choices means the SAME as "defaulted"? a. did not borrow b. did not reinvest c. did not repay
c. did not repay
The passage suggests that: a. Amara lends money because she feels sympathy for women and children in need. b. Amara feels that the world can be improved by individual actions. c. Amara feels hopeless about the women's problems.
b. Amara feels that the world can be improved by individual actions.
What does the passage suggest about Amara's character?
She is caring/kind/compassionate
Is the microloaning model successful in today's economy?
Look at the website. Which of the three featured categories would you fund and why?