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Pediatric Airway Corner

In hemophilia A, every 1 unit/kg of factor VIII increases active factor level by this percent

What is 2%?


Aspirin use in pediatrics is associated with this potentially fatal syndrome

What is Reye syndrome?


Per Neonatal Resuscitation Program (NRP), calculating this score should continue at 5 minute intervals until reaching a score of 7 or until 20 minutes of life is encountered

What is APGAR score?


This is the most common cause of heart failure in previously healthy kids.

What is myocarditis?


True or false: You should always use an uncuffed tube for children less than 8 years old?



This syndrome should make you think twice about using a propofol drip for pediatric status epilepticus

What is propofol infusion syndrome?

(Features include acidosis, rhabdomyolysis, fatty liver, renal and cardiac failure)


This is a feared complication of fluid resuscitation in pediatric DKA

What is cerebral edema?


This scoring system helps determine how aggressively laryngotracheobronchitis should be treated

What is the Westley Croup Score?


Hypoplastic left heart syndrome, coarctation of the aorta, and aortic stenosis are examples of this classification of congenital heart disease.

What are ductal-dependent lesions?


A surgical airway is contraindicated below this age?

What is 12 years old?

These 4 missed diagnoses are the most common reasons of pediatric malpractice claims

What are meningitis, appendicitis, testicular torsion, and arm fracture?


These are the criteria for the diagnosis of mucocutaneous lymph node syndrome 

What is fever for 5 days + four of:

- conjunctivitis; mucous membrane changes (erythema, strawberry tongue; erythema/ desquamation of palms and soles; polymorphous exanthem; cervical lymphadenopathy


A Pediatric Asthma Score under this cutoff suggests a patient can be discharged home

What is less than 8?


This is an aberrant origin of the coronary arteries from the pulmonary artery rather than the aorta.

What is ALCAPA?


These are 5 anatomic differences that make a pediatric intubation more difficult

What are:

- large head

- larger tongue

- big floppy epiglottis

- shorter neck

- larynx is more anterior

- less residual lung capacity


In contrast to the Rochester, Philadephia and Boston criteria, this approach to young febrile infants uses procalcitonin

What is step-by-step?


These 5 criteria define low risk BRUE

- episode < 1 minute

- age > 2 months

- no history of prematurity (>32 weeks gestation/>45 weeks total)

- no prior BRUE

- no CPR by medically trained provider


The Alvarado Score can help when working up this diagnosis

What is acute appendicitis?


These are three side effects of PGE1.

What are apnea, peripheral flushing, fever, hypotension?


Engaging this structure in the vallecula will help to flip up the epiglottis and improve your view of the vocal cords

What is the hyoepiglottic ligament?


The TEN 4 FACES mnemonic refers to these red flags when assessing for non-accidental trauma

What is?

- Trunk, Ears, Neck at less than 4 years old

- Any at less than 4 months old

- Frenulum, Auricular area, Cheek, Eyes, Sclera


These 5 criteria should be met for a diagnosis of simple febrile seizure

Age 6 months to 5 years; single seizure in 24 hours; lasts < 15 minutes; returns to neurologic baseline; generalized seizure with no localizing symptoms


These are the 4 components of the Kocher Criteria for septic arthritis

- non-weight bearing

- temp > 38.5C / 101.3F

- ESR > 40

- WBC > 12,000


These are three complications associated with the Fontan procedure.

What are sudden death, arrhythmias, thromboembolism, liver failure, pericardial/pleural effusions, protein losing enteropathy?


This is the smallest ETT size that will fit a pediatric bougie

What is a 4-0 ETT?