What does the S in SMART stand for?
I will run more this year.
Specific, Measurable
I will get a good grade in Science class.
Missing Specific, Measurable, Time-dependent
Example: By the end of the quarter, I will raise my science grade to a B by turning in all my assignments and studying for tests.
What does the M in SMART stand for?
I will get a new iPhone by saving my money from babysitting.
I will make $50 a week for the next two months to start saving money.
Is this attainable?
Example: I will save $20 a week for the next four months by babysitting and shoveling my neighbors' driveway.
I will make the basketball team next year by practicing 30 minutes, four times a week.
I will run more this year.
Missing Specific, Measurable
Example: I will run for 20 minutes three times a week for the rest of the school year.
What does the R in SMART stand for?
I will have a B in English class by the end of the quarter by turning in my assignments on time and staying on task during class.
What does the T in SMART stand for?