Be Specific!
How We Measuring UP?
Is it SMART?
Let's Get Real
Does This Match My Values?

I will exercise more. 

Not Specific!

What kind of exercise?

Examples: I will run for 20 minutes twice this week,
I will do Yoga for 30 minutes at home with a Youtube video, I will do a plank for 1 min 3 times this week.


How can you measure eating a balanced diet?

 Answers will vary.

Examples: Meal plan, fruit/veggie/protein check list, limit take out to once a week, or count caffeine intake etc.


I am going to ride my stationary bike for 20 minutes twice a week after work before I eat dinner. 

Yes it is SMART! 


I will my entire house on Saturday.

Not realistic.

Prioritize what rooms/areas that need to be cleaned. Choose one specific type of cleaning (dusting, vacuuming, put away clothes, organize bedroom closet). Etc 


Value: Family

I will write in my journal for 10 minutes everyday for gratitude. 

Yes! This Matches!

Expressing our Gratitude can help with our value of Family.


I am going to clean my house this weekend.

Not Specific!

Which rooms? Closets? Areas? What kind of cleaning?

Examples: I will throw expired food from my fridge by Sunday, I am going to Vacuum the living, I will dust the book shelves in my office, I will spend 30 minutes pickup my child's toys.  


How can we measure exercise?

Answers will vary.

Examples: Time, types of exercise, distance, repetitions, weight lifted, location of exercise, source of exercise (youtube video, on home equipment, gym)


I will find 3 community based support groups. 


SMART Example: I will find 3 substance community based support groups by Friday using, (Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, or


I will go for a walk around my office building Tuesdays and Thursdays during my hour lunch break for the next two weeks. 

Yes! This is realistic!

We have a specific time when and what days, and it is on location of where they work. 


Value: Spirituality

I will attend two AA meetings this week at Genesis Club

Yes! This Matches!

AA incorporates Spirituality into their meetings. 


I will apply to 3 retail jobs using by Friday. 


We know the amount, what kind of job, how they will be applying and by when!


What is the measurement used below?

I will get an A on my current essay for my psychology class.

The measurement for success is an A- or above!


I will participate in group. 


SMART Example: I will participate in each group 3 times unprompted by staff by providing a topic-relevant comment I can track on a scrap piece of paper. 


It's halfway through the semester and my GPA is 2.2.

Goal: I will increase my GPA to 3.8 by the end of the semester. 

Not Realistic.

What is manageable within the next 4 weeks before the semester ends. How will this be done? What classes are we focusing on? What is the plan? 


Value: Friendship

I will read for 20 minutes every day from my favorite sci-fi/fantasy series.

No, this does not match!

How it could match: reading the same book as your friend and discussing, reading a book on building friendships, communicating, spending time with a friend. 


I am going to talk to supports.

Not Specific!

Who are you talking to? How long? When? In person? Texting? Facetime?

Examples: I will have a Facetime chat with my friend Chris Thursday at 8pm, I will go to the park on Saturday to have coffee with my friend Erin at Noon. 


How can we Measure the goal stated below?

I will read The Hobbit within 5 weeks.

I can measure progress by using a bookmark and tracking the pages I have read. We could keep a log of how many minutes we have read in a journal/diary or notes app on phone. 


I will obtain the confidence to give a public speech by practicing speaking from note cards in front of a mirror 5 times and practicing with 3 friends (Brent, Kyle, and Sam) over the next 3 weeks before my presentation. 

Yes! This is a SMART goal!


I will be over my grief by the end of my 4 week IOP treatment. 

Not Realistic!

Grief is not time bound and is an ongoing journey in our lives. Instead, are there steps one can make towards working on their grief, discussing with supports, increasing BAs to help with depression, create a personal memorial honoring their loved one.


Value: Passion

I will wash the dishes in the sink before 9pm daily.

Does not Match!

Although this is productive, what are you passionate about? Sports? Art? Nature? Create a goal that aligns with what you are passionate about.

Example: I am passionate about animals.

I will watch one documentary every 3 Saturday of the month that is about wildlife. 


I will learn one new coping skill by the end of treatment today by asking a peer their favorite coping skill. 


We are stating one coping skill, time bound by the end of treatment, and within your control by asking a peer. 


How can we measure time with family?

Answers will vary.

Examples: Plan a game night, scheduled dinner time, calling a parent once a week for 20 minutes, go for a walk with partner twice a week for 15 minutes, scheduled date night once a month with partner etc. 


I love to read and will borrow one fiction book per month from the library for the next six months and read it fully and track it on my book calendar. 

Yes! This is a SMART goal!


I have been sleeping between 8-10 hours every night for the past two months.

Goal: I will sleep for 9 hours a day by making sure I get into bed by 10pm every night and set an alarm for 7am each morning. 

Yes! This Realistic! 


Value: Integrity

I will share my foundation by the end of my 4 week IOP stay. 

Yes! This Matches!

Presenting your foundation is a helpful way to work towards your integrity!