Hard and Soft Skills
What cluster is that?
Finding a job in a cluster cluster
Interest/Career Match-up
What career am I?
This kind of skill is needed to succeed in almost all careers
What is a "soft skill."
This is the career cluster that a teacher works in.
What is Education and Training?
This is an example of a job in the Transportation, Distribution, and Logistics career cluster.
What is an Airline Pilot, Mechanic, Bus Driver?
If you like to hunt or fish, you might enjoy a career in this cluster.
What is Agriculture, Natural Resources, and Food?
This is a four-year degree you can earn at a public or private university.
What is a Bachelor's Degree?
This skill is a specific one needed for a specific career
What is a "hard skill."
This is the cluster that involves banking and insurance.
What is Finance?
This is an example of a job in the Hospitality and Tourism career cluster.
What is a Travel Agent, Hotel Manager, Concierge, Waiter/Waitress, Lifeguard, Athlete?
If you like working with computers, you might enjoy a career in this cluster.
What is Information Technology?
This is money that students use to pay for education. It includes scholarships, grants, loans, and work-study.
What is Financial Aid?
True or False? Hard and soft skills are equally important in the workplace?
What is true.
This is the cluster that a counselor works in.
What is Human Services?
This is an example of a job in the Health Sciences career cluster.
What is a Paramedic, Nurse, Doctor, Pharmacist, Optometrist?
If you like working with your hands creating a product, you might enjoy a career in this cluster.
What is Manufacturing.
This is the amount of money you pay to attend classes at college.
What is Tuition?
The following is an example of which type of skill: being able to solve complex research problems?
What is hard skill.
This is the career cluster that involves designing computer programs.
What is Information Technology?
This is an example of a job in the Agriculture, Natural Resources, and Food career cluster.
What is an Animal Trainer, Fish and Game Warden, Greenhouse Manager, Groundskeeper?
If you like to draw or act, you might enjoy a career in this cluster.
What is Arts, A/V Technology, and Communication?
This is an on-campus job that a student receives to help pay for his or her education.
What is Work-study?
True or false. Hard and soft skills are seperate skill sets that often do not complement one another?
What is false. Soft skills complement hard skills.
This is the career clusters that police officers and firefighters work in.
What is Law, Public Safety, Corrections, and Security?
This is an example of a job in the Arts, A/V Technology, and Communication career cluster.
What is a Journalist, Commercial Artist, Animator, Actor?
If you like working with people, you might enjoy a career in this cluster.
What is Human Services, Education and Training, Hospitality and Tourism?
This measures how a student's grades in high school compare to other students' grades in his or her graduating class.
What is your Class Rank?