Patterns and Algebra
Word Problems
Numbers Problems
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Place Value
7, 16, 25, 34, 43, _____
What is 52?
Tim, Caleb, and Michael collected 989 buttons, but 165 got lost in the couch. About how many buttons do they have now?
What is 800?
Find the sum. 936 + 515 =
What is 1,451?
Find the difference. 80 - 28 =
What is 52?
Which digit in 1,768 is in the tens place?
What is the number 6?
Joe made this pattern. 96, 48, 24, 12, 6 What is the rule of Joe's pattern?
What is divide by 2?
Mom made 510 cupcakes for the bake sale. 226 sold in two days. About how many cupcakes are left?
What is 300?
378 + 437 + 189 =
What is 1,004?
Sam had 70 raffle tickets to sell. There are 14 tickets left. How many tickets has Sam sold?
What is 56 tickets sold?
Which digit is 47,095 is in the ten-thousands place?
What is 4?
The next shape in the pattern is... * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
What is a 5 by 6?
Ellen had 380 legos, but she lost 57 of them. About how many legos does she have now?
What is 320?
Roger played a computer game twice. He scored 428 points in his first game. In the second game, he scored 559 points. How many points did Roger score in all?
What is 987 points?
Neil has 73 CDs. Marcia has 29 CDs. How many more CDs does Neil have than Marcia?
What is 44 CDs?
What is the value of the 9 in 8,296?
What is 90?
C x 5 = 35 C = ____
What is C = 7
Willy has 1947 crayons. Lucy has 290 crayons. About how many more crayons does Willy have then Lucy?
What is 700?
A town has two elementary schools. The bigger school has 473 students. The smaller school has 354 students. How many students are there in both elementary schools?
What is 827 students?
The BellSouth Building is 617 feet tall. The Fifth Third Center is 490 feet tall. How much taller is the Bell South Tower than the Fifth Third Center?
What is 127 feet tall?
Write 6,070 in expanded form?
What is 6,000 + 70?
Make this number sentence true. 8 x (5 x 3) = (8 x N) x 3
What is N = 5
Ron and Amanda collected 497 buttons, but they used 177 of them while fixing some jackets. About how many buttons do they have now?
What is 300?
The band Trying Times played two concerts. The first concert had 268 people. The second concert had 375 people. How many people attended the concerts in all?
What is 643 people?
Samantha is reading a 658-page book. She has read 231 pages so far. How many more pages does Samantha have left to read?
What is 427 more pages?
Josh wrote a number with 8 in the thousands place. Which number did Josh write? a.) 38,426 b.) 47,830 c.) 53,618 d.) 82,437
What is a.) 38,426?