This was the year SMART Recovery began.
"We have _____ not _____ in SMART"
Tools not rules
These are the SMART 4 points
Building and maintaining motivation
Coping with urges
Managing thoughts, feelings, and behaviors
Living a balanced life
REBT stands for.
Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy
This is the best SMART meeting
A-A-Ron's meeting!
This is what SMART stands for.
Self-Management And Recovery Training
The names of 5 SMART tools
Name any 5 tools
These are two tools used to help with Point One
Change Plan, H.O.V & C.B.A & V.A.C.I & L.B.P & SMART Goal
He is the doctor that created REBT.
Dr Albert Ellis
24/7 7 days a week
This is the name of the program Jack Trimpey & Dr Joe ran before SMART
Rational Recovery
This is what DISARM stands for
These are two tools used to help with Point Two
H.O.V, C.B.A, DEADS, Urge Jar, Urge Log, V.A.C.I, ULA, USA, UOA, DIBS
This is the category of psychotherapy that REBT falls under.
Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT)
These are all the ways a person may attend a meeting. (Name 3)
In-person, Computer, Telephone, Tablet, Smart TV, Game Console/VR Headset
Dr Joe Gerstein will be this many years young in 2025
This is an example of surfing an urge
Allow a desire to occur without reacting and instead riding it out.
These are two tools used to help with Point Three
This is the distinguishing feature of REBT that differentiates it from other forms of CBT.
Unconditional self-acceptance.
This is the maximum length of time a typical SMART meeting runs.
90 minutes
He is the doctor other than Joe to help start SMART Recovery
Dr. Tom Horvath
These tools when combined can be used to populate your Lifestyle Balance Pie
H.O.V & V.A.C.I
These are two tools used to help with Point Four
All of them
This doctor created CT (Cognitive Therapy)
Dr Aaron Beck
This is how many meetings are currently available in the United States and Canada.