In Your Feelings
SMART Program Information
Addictive Behavior vs Recovery Behavior
Relapse Prevention

Definition: How you feel about yourself

What is Self esteem

Recite the SMART participant motto

What is "We are here to change, to grow, and to become responsible individuals in society. We need to set our mind, body, and soul on reaching a higher level in our recovery. With my life, if I choose, I can be responsible"


This mnemonic is used to make goals realistic Specific & Supportive; Meaningful; Accountable & Attached; Resources & Realistic; Time/Time sensitive

What are SMART goals


During this period, you need to establish what is the 'why' of your recovery, identifying the conviction and reasons for recovery.

What is the first step in the plan


This TV and Movie actor was born on this day (May 17th) and died in 2022. Well known for his role as a father raising daughters in San Francisco in a long running sitcom. 

Who is Bob Saget


_________ is feeling bad about what you have done



This corrective community tool is used when it is noted that someone is displaying a negative behavior or attitude, verbally and is used to raise valid concerns

What is a Pull-up


Listening before speaking, Not interrupting, fully listening to what others are saying, calmly communicating ideas, etc. are all examples of:

Effective Communication


What is the last stage/piece to a relapse prevention plan

What is plan for relapse responses (Meaning if you relapse, how will you respond. How will you reduce the potential harm from a relapse so that it does not drag you all the way back to square 1)


This date is recognized by fans of the movie franchise Star Wars as it is a play on words from the famous quote about the Jedi "force"

What is May 4th


To accept responsibility and account for one's actions



For the best chance of staying sober, what is the MINIMUM length of time a person should stay in treatment?

What is 90 days


This is the process by which the addicted brain invents excuses that allow the person in recovery to edge close enough to relapse situations that accidents can happen

What is justification


The minimum amount of time to feel used to or comfortable with a lifestyle change such as recovery

What is 6 months


This yearly celebration takes place on this date and commemorates victory for the Mexican army in the battle of Pueblo

What is Cinco de Mayo (May 5th)

a state of mental or emotional strain or tension resulting from adverse or very demanding circumstances.

What is stress


______________ is the only thing that can sober you

What is time


Our brains learn by R________ and R_________.

What is Repetition and Reward


The piece of the plan in which you identify how you will ensure you are staying responsible and keeping up with your recover

What are accountability techniques


This New York icon opened its doors on May 1, 1931. At the point of its construction, it held the record for being the tallest building in the world. Many other sky-high constructions have since dwarfed it, but it’s still an awe-inspiring feature of the New York cityscape!

What is the Empire State Building


Emotion characterized by feelings of tension, worried thoughts, and physical changes like increased blood pressure



Name one of the Red Rules from the SMART participant code of conduct

1. Follow Correctional Staff directives; 2. No physical violence, threats, or intimidation against any person; 3. No drug possession or misuse of any kind; 4. No gang representation; 5. No sexual activity; 6. No exchange of any medications


The impulsive choice to do something for the immediate feeling of pleasure or satisfaction

What is instant gratification


There are 5 trigger categories. What are those five types and name a personal trigger from at least two categories.

What are Emotional, Mental, Physical, Social, Environmental.

Examples of emotional triggers: Sad, Mad, Excited. Examples of mental triggers: thinking about using, addictive thinking patterns (manipulative thinking, dishonesty). Examples of physical triggers: Pain.


May is Mental Health Awareness month. What year was Mental Health Awareness month established?

What is 1949