What's in a HOW?
Promo Time!
Do you even SR, bro?
To Resolve, or Not to Resolve?
Network Tool, That's All I Got

This how doc states that a customer can't have two lines on a single device.

HOW21175 What are SIMs, and how do they work?


You can search this in Celestial to view current mobile promotions.



What TechSpot Ticket Type would you select:

Stuck BPM order where line is active on the network

What is Order Management / Stuck Order / BPM complete 


Network Issue Troubleshooting

Yes, resolve! Send coaching on the correct escalation path during dispositioning.

This is the place you go to find out if the ICCID is pSIM or eSIM

What is the ICCID Information card


"If a customer is adding a new line and the total price of their purchase is higher than their DPP balance, they will be required to make an advance DPP payment: A one-time, upfront payment equal to the difference between their DPP balance and the total purchase price. " can be found in this how doc.

HOW22264 Xfinity Mobile down payments and advance device payment plan (DPP) overview


This happens when the customer has ACP codes in CSG

All promos that are core based will not add. 


What TechSpot Ticket Type would you select:

EID is missing on the network

What is Line Issues and Management / Other / Update line in DMD 


An agent mistyped MDN on a port

Yes, resolve!


What is the process for updating an IMEI in the Network Tool?

Have customer unlock phone number, choose "change device" option (or deactivate, then edit when you restore!), click submit, search to make sure the changes are reflecting


This is the best HOW doc for eSIM activation issues

What is HOW21239: eSIM activation support



What tools can you check the status a TIPs promos? 

Trade-In Lookup (XiSCO/Assurant portal) and XM360 (The devices tab and Account Overview)


True or False: An eSIM iPh 14 gets a BYO700 error message in the buyflow.  Is this an inventory/update in DMD ticket?

What is False


Line to Line Transfer Requests

Provide guidance on the correct escalation path.


What changes require the customer to unlock their number?

Deactivation, restoration, MDN/SIM/Device change, MDN swap complications


HOW for number Lock?



What disqualifies a customer from the free unlimited line for a year?

BOGO & BYOD promos


After troubleshooting is complete for network issues, who needs to be contacted before creating a TechSpot?

What is a Verizon chat


NDEL/BYONDEL Replacement

Self service/Retail


Are we able to add watches in the Network Tool? If so, how?

Yes, pull up the host line and under actions you can click add wearable. 


If a customer moves and the eligibility does not move with them we direct them to this document

What is POL20018: Xfinity Mobile credit screening policy


What steps do customers need to take to qualify for the device plan payout? (BYOD)

  • Purchase a new line of Xfinity Mobile.
  • Bring their own a compatible device to Xfinity Mobile.
  • Port the number displayed on their bill within 30 days of the order from an accepted carrier.
  • Upload their last mobile bill from their old carrier and complete registration at xfinity.com/mobiletimetoswitch within 30 days of activation.
  • See HOW22541 for further details

True or False: A TechSpot ticket can resume a DPP that has been accelerated and cannot be decelerated in CRM

What is False


Assurant or Apple replacement

Yes, resolve!


What changes do NOT require the customer to unlock number? 

Feature changes and troubleshoot network alignment issues.