What is a quatation mark?
They are punctuation marks used to indicate the beginning and the end of a quatation.
What is a chemical change ?
Is when substances react and form new ones with different properties.
What are the 4 layers of a rainforest?
Forest floor, Understory layer, Canopy layer and Emergent layer.
Where was the origin of geometry?
It was on greece
Of what sport is Melissa Vargas Abreu?
Is of volley
Which kinds of projects require long-term planning?
The ones that are of long time
What is homogeneous?
Of the same or a similar kind or nature.
What is a savanna?
A grassy plain in tropical and subtropical regions, with few trees.
How can abstract art represent society?
By showing some things of the country
What are 3 artistic sports?
Gymnastic, urban dance, ballet.
How can S.M.A.R.T can help us?
Becouse this method helps in forming goals that are specific.
What does "hard water" and "soft water”mean?
It refers to the number of minerals in the water that affects it’s hardness.
Where is the atacama desert?
In chile
What is kinetic art?
Is another style using geometry.
What are 3 sports that use balls?
Volleyball, basquetball, american futball, soccer, tenis, raquetball.
How do I know i’m reading enough?
When you think you’re reading enough.
Soft water is bad for us?
No, is not bad
On what time we have warm climate?
On summer
Who uses the drip technique?
Jackson pollock
What is the sport most famous in mexico?
How much do I need to read?
1 hour per day
What is endothermic reactions?
Refer to energy produced and the transfer of heat to an object.
How many is the porcentaje of water in the world?
the 70% is covered by water
Hoe can a piece of art be the same but different?
It can be the same because of the colors and shapes but different because of the meaning.
Of what sport is patrick mahomes?
Of chiefs(kansas city).