Mental Health
Physical Health

True or False, smoking Hookah is less harmful than smoking cigarettes?


Hookahs are water pipes that are used to smoke specially made tobacco that comes in different flavors, such as apple, mint, cherry, chocolate, coconut, licorice, cappuccino, and watermelon.

Studies have shown that Hookah contains many of the same harmful components found in cigarette smoke such as nicotine, tar, and heavy metals 


True or False, nicotine can increase anxiety and stress


Nicotine can cause anxiety symptoms or make existing symptoms worse. Nicotine negatively affects the way synapses (connections) in the brain are formed. It may immediately make someone feel calm, but overall it increases anxiety symptoms. 


What is a side effect of inhaling vapour from vapes/e-cigarettes?


-dry mouth and throat

-shortness of breath 

-mouth and throat irritation 



At what age does the brain stop developing?


Nicotine changes brain functioning and activity related to attention, learning, and memory as well as worsen anxiety, impulsivity, and irritability. These changes can be permanent for those under the age of 25.  


What is the substance that comes out of a vape or e-cigarette? 

an aerosol 

 Aerosols are often incorrectly called water vapor and are the substances that come out of e-cigarettes and vapes.


True or False, hookah contains nicotine 


Nicotine is an addictive drug that can have lasting damaging effects on adolescent brain development. 

Nicotine is addictive because it activates the parts of your brain that make you satisfied or happy, making the sensation addicting


True or False, e-cigarette use is associated with greater impulsivity (making decisions or doing things without thinking about it)



Name a physical effect of nicotine


-increased blood pressure

-increased heart rate

-increase flow of blood to hart

-narrowing of arteries 


True or False, nicotine has no effect on brain development.


Nicotine can slow brain development in teens, affect memory, concentration, learning, self-control, attention, and mood. These changes can be permanent for someone under the age of 25.


True or False: E-cigarette labels always disclose that they contain nicotine


Some e-cigarette labels do not disclose that they contain nicotine, and some e-cigarettes marketed as containing 0% nicotine have been found to contain nicotine.


When smoking hookah for 1 hour, a person will absorb less, the same amount or more smoke when compared to someone who smokes a cigarette.


In a typical 1 hour-hookah smoking session, users inhale 100-200 more times the amount of smoke when compared to a single cigarette.


True or False, vaping or using e-cigarettes can help relieve symptoms of depression


Vaping and e-cigarettes can worse symptoms of depression


What does vaping or using e-cigarettes do to the lungs?

Vaping and e-cigarettes damage small airways in the lungs.

“Popcorn lung” is another name for bronchiolitis obliterans (BO), a rare condition that results from damage of the lungs’ small airway caused by diacetyl. This is a chemical that can cause inflammation and can permanently scar the smallest branches of the airways. Popcorn lung currently has no lasting treatment. 



How long does it take for nicotine to reach the brain after inhalation?

10-20 seconds


In Massachusetts, what flavors of tobacco are allowed to be sold (excluding 21+ licensed smoke bars)


Since June 1, 2020, MA has stopped the sale of flavored tobacco products. Youth in Boston and around the state were vital to this being passed!


In 2018, what percentage of high school students did NOT smoke hookah?



True or False, the tobacco industry use themes of stress relief and relaxation in their advertising


Although tobacco products can make symptoms of anxiety and depression worse, the tobacco industry often advertises its products as relaxing.  


What is 1 symptom of nicotine withdrawal? 

  • Intense nicotine cravings

  • tingling in hands and feet

  • sweating

  • nausea and abdominal cramping

  • constipation and gas

  • headaches

  • coughing 

  • sore throat

  • insomnia

  • difficulty concentrating

  • anxiety 

  • irritability 

  • depression 

  • increased hunger

  • slower heart rate


Nicotine causes a surge or big increase of what chemical in the brain?


Dopamine is part of the reward system in the brain. Nicotine causes an extreme increase of dopamine in the brain, more than other pleasurable activities like eating your favorite food. This surge causes the brain to what another surge giving someone the desire to vape again. Over time this can cause an addiction. 


In 2019, what percentage of high school students did NOT use electronic cigarettes? 


At least how many toxic chemicals and carcinogens have been identified in hookah smoke?



True or False, the tobacco industry has supported research that aims to show that smoking has positive effects on mental health


Although, we know that tobacco has negative effects on mental health, tobacco companies have supported the development of research that aims to link smoking with mental health benefits.


How can using nicotine as teen affect your risk for future addiction to other drugs? (Increase, decrease, no effect)?

Using nicotine in adolescence can INCREASE your risk for future addiction to other drugs. 


How many milligrams of nicotine a day are needed to establish an addiction? (Hint 1 e-cigarette pod has about 20 mg of nicotine)

5 mg of nicotine a day


True or False, tobacco is the #1 cause of preventable death and disease is the United States


Tobacco related disease kills more people each year than gun violence, car accidents, and alcohol combined.