12-step cliches'
Daily Habits
DBT SKills
Juicy Bits

This emotion may have you seeing red. 

What is anger/rage. 


Mind your business and let other people mind theirs, too. 

What is "Live and let live." 


This is someone you should talk to everyday. 

Think sober support and self-help groups. 

What is sponsor/sober mentor. 


Mindfulness is:

What is Be here now, awareness of the present moment, controlling your mind so that it doesn't control you. 


Finish this sentence: Evolve or ______. 

What is repeat. 


Is the grass always greener on the other side? This feeling is popularly referred to as: "Green with _ _ _ _." 

What is envy. 


Pretend you know something, act as if, until you actually do know it. 

Hint: If it's not real, that means it a _ _ _ _. 

What is "Fake it till you make it." 


This referred to waking up in the morning and immediately engaging in smoking a substance. 

Hint: we no longer do this. 

What is: wake and bake. 

Sober-life tip: If you used to use/drink first thing in the morning, you probably should now do something that supports your sobriety first thing in the morning, like reading something uplifting, or prayer, or journaling, or writing a goal list for the day, or a gratitude list, etc...


Distress tolerance skills are to be used in these emotionally overwhelming time of ________.

What is crisis.


What was Heather's DOC (drug of choice)? 

What was alcohol. 


This emotion is typically associated with the color blue and down. 

What is sadness. 


This cliche' refers to our tendency to project onto others, that which we deny in ourselves. 

Hint: A dog named SPOT. 

What is "Spot it, you got it." 


This activity is not just for woo-woo types and hippies. 

It might even have you singing "OM" one day. 

What is meditation. 

Scientifically proven to create all sorts of good stuff when you do it, ya'll. 


What are the "What" skills of mindfulness?

What are observe, describe, participate.


Finish this sentence: Nothing ever leaves until it teaches us _____ ___ _____ __ _____. 

What is: What we need to know. 


Pharrell Williams sings about this emotion in a very popular hit tune. 

What is happy. 

What does this acronym mean? 


What is "hungry, angry, lonely, tired." 


Doing this activity everyday, which involves making a "thankful list," is scientifically proven to positively influence all life areas: body, mind, and spirit. 

What is a gratitude list. 

Scientifically-proven to shift your attitude towards the positive with good effects mentally, physically, emotionally, and spiritually. 


What are the "How" skills of mindfulness?

What are non-judgmentally, one-mindfully, and effectively.


What personality disorder was DBT originally designed to treat? 

What is BPD, or Borderline Personality Disorder. 


What is the difference between a feeling and an emotion? 

What is time, duration, and choice. Emotions are involuntary physcial responses, split second, that happen without making a choice. They typically pass within a few minutes. 

Feelings are of longer duration, and usually involve the processing of thoughts, emotions, and attitudes, etc... Feelings can last a few hours or a lifetime. 


What does this mean? 


Hint: don't take the stairs two at a time, take them _ _ _ at a time. 

What is "one day at a time." 


This 12-step book is casually referred to as "The Big Book." 

What is the book of "Alcoholics Anonymous." 

Read it and learn. 


What are three different DBT skills (Not the categories of mindfulness, distress tolerance, emotion regulation, and interpersonal effectiveness).

What are three different DBT skills (Not the categories of mindfulness, distress tolerance, emotion regulation, and interpersonal effectiveness).


What is the most widely used psychoactive substance in the world? 

What is caffeine.