How many Sacraments are there?
Seven Sacraments
Which Church season are we in right now?
Which prayer includes the line "pray for us sinners"?
The Hail Mary Prayer.
Who are the four Gospel Writers?
St. Matthew, St. Mark, St. Luke, St. John.
What word do we often use at the end of prayers that means "Truly" or "I Believe"?
How many Commandments are there?
10 Commandments
Other than Lent, what season do priests wear Violet/Purple vestments?
Which prayer do we use to begin and end most of our other prayers?
The Sign of the Cross.
Who was the first Pope?
St. Peter.
What do we call the collection of books that are Inspired by God?
The Bible or Sacred Scripture.
How many days were Noah and the Animals in the Ark?
40 Days (and 40 nights)
Which three practices do we focus on in Lent?
Prayer, Fasting, and Almsgiving.
Which prayer did Jesus Himself teach to His disciples? (Matthew 6:9-13)
We still pray it often.
The Our Father Prayer.
Who is the Saint that was Immaculately Conceived?
(We celebrate this person on the feast of the "Immaculate Conception of _________________")
The Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary
What is the name of the prayer service where we walk through what happened to Jesus at His Crucifixion?
Hint: It is most often prayed during Fridays in Lent.
The Stations of the Cross.
How many Apostles did Jesus have?
12 Apostles
Can you name two Feast Days that priests usually wear Gold?
Which prayer do we pray during (or before) the Sacrament of Reconciliation?
The Act of Contrition.
Which Saint is known for teaching about the Trinity by demonstrating the Three Persons of the Holy Trinity with the three leaves of green shamrock?
St. Patrick.
What is the name for the Vessel that holds the Eucharist during Eucharistic Adoration?
How many Psalms are there?
150 Psalms
Which season is longer: Lent or Easter?
Easter (50 Days).
What is this title for Mary that Fr. Nathan likes to pray with the most?
Our Lady/Mother of Perpetual Help.
Which Saint wrote the most books in the Bible?
St. Paul.
What do we call a statement of our beliefs?
Hint: We recite it at Sunday Masses.
Hint: It begins with "I Believe..."
The Creed.