
What are the color options for uniform skirts/skorts for girls?

What is: navy, khaki or approved School Belle’s plaid.

Student handbook, p. 13


Fill in the blank: School starts at 8:05, and according to the student handbook, students entering school after this time must _________________________.

What is: Check in through the office before entering class.

Student handbook, p. 16


In the teacher handbook, how many rules are listed under "gaga ball"?

What is: 2

Teacher handbook, p. 9


Is cyberbullying covered in the Renwick bullying policies?

What is: Yes!

Teacher handbook, p. 20

Student handbook, p. 25


If your class is in the cafeteria when the fire alarm sounds, which doors will they use to exit the building according to the teacher handbook?

What are: the south doors

Teacher handbook, p. 24


A student is cold and bundles up in their SMS spirit hoodie. Are they following the dress code?

What is: No, spirit hoodies are not part of the school uniform. Students may wear a navy, hunter, or white sweatshirt or sweater (school logo optional).

Student handbook, p. 13


How many days does a student have to be absent before the office will start collecting homework?

What is: 3 or more days

Student handbook, p. 16


Where should all student behavior infractions be recorded online?

What is: Skyward

Teacher handbook, p. 6


Which is NOT listed under "What Happened" on the Renwick Bullying/Harassment Complaint Form?

a. name calling

b. excluding

c. gossip

d. punching

What is: d, punching

Teacher handbook, p. 16


What is the only thing a child can check on their smart watch during the school day?

What is: the time

Student handbook, p. 9


I'm in 6th grade and my brother is in 2nd grade. Do we both have to wear a belt with our uniforms?

What is: students in 3rd-8th grades must wear a belt with their uniforms.

Student handbook, p. 13


If students have an unexcused absence, can they participate in extracurricular activities on that day?

What is: no, students who have an unexcused absence from school on the day of an extracurricular activity will not be allowed to participate in the activity that day.   

Student handbook, p. 15


According to the student handbook, what is reason #7 a student could be suspended?

What is: False fire alarms

Student handbook, p. 18


According to "complaint procedure" (number 4, letter c) in the student handbook, when is the building principal to be notified of a bullying complaint?

What is: After the staff member has gathered information to determine if the alleged bullying or cyberbullying conduct occurred.

Student handbook, p. 27


What is special about the water bottles the students may bring to school?

What is: They are to be clear or have a clear lid, and to contain only water

Student handbook, p. 9


It's Spirit Day! What can students wear?

What are: spirit shirts with jeans or uniform bottoms. Uniform length jean shorts are also acceptable.

Student handbook, p. 13


What is the name of the form students must fill out when they know they are going to be absent?

What is: St. Mark's School Notice of Absence Form

Student handbook, p. 7-8


According to the teacher handbook, is disruption of the learning environment a "classroom managed behavior" or an "office managed behavior"?

What is: a classroom managed behavior

Teacher handbook, p. 13


Fill in the blank. According to the anti-bullying policy in the student handbook, bullying creates "an intimidating, threatening or _______________ educational environment for a student or staff member..." 

What is: abusive 

Student handbook, p. 25


Fill in the blank. Students should arrive at school NO EARLIER than __________.

What is: 7:50 am

Student handbook, p. 8


What color of collared shirts are allowed per St. Mark's uniform policy?

What are: navy, hunter green, and white. 

Student handbook, p. 13


How many unexcused absences in a semester classify a student as truant?

a) 3 consecutive unexcused absences

b) 5 unexcused absences

c) 7 unexcused absences in a school year

d) all of the above

What is: d, all of the above

Student handbook, p. 15


According to the student handbook, lunch procedure 4, what type of behavior is expected in the lunchroom?

What is: restaurant-like behavior

Student handbook, p. 9


According to the bullying policy in the teacher handbook, what are the 5 R's?

What are: Respond, Research, Record, Report, Revisit

Teacher handbook, p. 15


If a parent would like to observe a class, the time limit for their observation (according to the student handbook) is __________ minutes.

What is: 90 minutes

Student handbook, p. 29