Problem/ Reaction Size

What time of day did the story take place?

During the day


What could the lady have done when the vending machine didn't give her the snack?

Tell an employee that the machine was stuck.


At the beginning of the story the lady's cookies get stuck in the vending machine. What size problem is that?

A little problem


How do you think the lady felt after the boy first ate one of the cookies?

Annoyed, frustrated, aggravated


Think back to the scene where the lady yells at the boy. Pretend you are the lady in the film. What are some things you would say to him?

She would be angry. Multiple responses are accepted.


What can you figure out about the lady by her becoming really upset when the vending machine got stuck?

She really wanted that cookie.


What could the lady have said to the man when she thought he took her snack?

"Excuse me, that's my snack."


What size problem was the problem of the man eating the cookies?

Medium size


How do you think the man felt when the lady ate the cookies.

Confused/ surprised/ did not care


Think back to the scene where the lady yells at the boy. Pretend you are the boy in the film. What did he think she was saying to him?

He was being nice by sharing his cookies. He may not have realized she was yelling at him angrily.


What can you figure out about the man by him listening to his headphones super loud?

He really likes his music

What could the lady have said when she realized he did not take her snack?

She could have knocked on the window and apologized.


What problem size was it when the man was not listening to the lady, and she thought he was ignoring her? What would make it a bigger problem size?

Little to medium. It would be bigger if she was hurt and needed help, and no one was listening to her. 


Name three different emotions that the characters felt throughout the film.

Mad, surprised, happy


What would you have done if you were the lady in this film?

Answer varies! 


What can you figure out by the man not reacting to the lady?

He did not want to engage with someone that was yelling. Or he could not hear her.

Do you think running into the machine was a good idea?

No, she could have hurt herself or the machine.


What reaction size was it when the lady realized the cookies were in her purse?

Little reaction


How did the lady feel as the train pulled away?

She felt bad that she actually ate his cookies. She smiled because he was being nice to her.


When the boy split the last cookie, was he being nice or rude? Explain.

Lady's Perspective: Rude

Boy's Perspective: Nice


What can you figure out by them both being at a gas station?

They are traveling to somewhere.

Do you think the lady could have been nicer? How?

She was quick to judge the man and to think that he took her snack. 


What reaction size was it when the lady thought the man took her cookies. 

She reacted really big by yelling at him


How did the lady feel at the very beginning of the story vs. the very end of the story.

Beginning she was upset, end she surprised.


What is a lesson that can be learned from the characters in this film? 

You can't be quick to judge someone