What are competitive foods
Foods that aren't provided by the DOE and are served in school
What are free meals
Food provided by the DOE to be served at school
What are copycat snacks
Healthy versions of original snacks
What are calories
Measurement of energy that are in foods
Where can you find Competitive foods
Fundraisers, vending machines, Stores/Delis, Snack bars
Copycat snacks are lower in what
Fats, Sugar, salt and calories
Which Nutrient has no calories
What is a type of competitive food
Copycat snacks
What is the nutritional standard for school meals
No artificial flavors or artificial colors
How can you tell if something is a Copycat Snack?
By reading the logo
What's another name for Salt and Sugar
Sodium and Carbs
True or False: This a competitive food?
What is the Main Difference between competitive foods and Free Meals?
Competitive foods cost money and are unhealthy for you compared to free meals
How are copy cat snacks usually cooked?
They are baked
Which Nutrient helps our hormones
True or False: Competitive foods are free.
True or False: Are copycat snacks healthier for you than free meals?
What are Empty Calories
Calories with no Nutrional value or if the Fats and Sugar outweigh the nutrients