The longest snake in Africa
What is a reticulated python
The longest venomous snake in the world. (18ft)
What is the king cobra?
Constrictor from South America that is commonly kept as a pet
What is the boa?
Snake that is identified by its colored pattern of red yellow black yellow red
What is the coral snake?
Snake so feared that it has “death” in its name
What is the death adder?
A mimic of green venomous snakes
What is a spotted bush snake?
The snake that is so feared that it a deity in Hinduism.
What is the spectacled cobra?
Biggest constrictor in South America that can eat a capybara
What is the green anaconda?
Two main mimics of the coral snake
What is the Scarlet King Snake and the milk snake?
Snake with the highest venom yield ever recorded
What is the king brown/mulga?
Fastest venomous snake in Africa
What is black mamba?
Snake that’s known as the “axe snake”
What is the Malayan pit viper?
Snake that got its name because its rattle sounds like dried chili peppers
What is the cascabel?
Venomous snake identified by the white in the interior of its mouth
What is the cottonmouth/water moccasin?
Venomous snake with mytotoxic venom that might not kill you, but will have serious side effects
What is the red-bellied black snake?
Africa’s “wild card”
What is spitting cobra
Snake that has tiny fangs and is considered a big problem in India
What is the common krait?
Snake that is referred to as the most dangerous and deadliest snake in the Americas according to the “World’s Deadliest Snakes” documentary
What is the fer-de-lance?
4th least deadliest snake in the world
What is the garter snake?
Snake that is highly aggressive and alert, according to Jack Randall
What is the Coastal Taipan?
Most venomous rear fanged snake. Bite killed Karl P. Schmidt.
What is the boomslang?
Snake that is considered the most dangerous and deadliest snake in the Indo-Pacific according to the “World’s Deadliest Snakes” documentary
What is the saw-scaled viper
Snake that has skin poking out to protect its eyes
What is the eyelash pit viper?
Small rear-fanged snake that is not venomous and can be found in leaf litter
What is the ringneck snake?
Snake that is considered to have drop for drop, the deadliest venom in the world
What is the Inland Taipan?