Program Basics
Services and Support
Wild Cards

What does the acronym SNAP E&T stand for?

Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program Employment and Training.


What is the age range for eligible SNAP E&T participants?

16 to 59 years old.


What type of assistance is provided for participants with children under 12?

Childcare assistance.


Why are partnerships with community organizations important for SNAP E&T?

They expand access to resources and services for participants.


What is one exemption that allows college students to qualify for SNAP benefits?

Participation in state or federal employment and training programs.


What is the primary purpose of the SNAP E&T program?

To support eligible individuals in achieving self-sufficiency through employment and skills development.


What group of recipients is exempt from participating in SNAP E&T?

Individuals receiving Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF).


How long can participants receive job retention services after securing employment?

Up to 90 days.


Name one type of organization SNAP E&T partners with to provide vocational training.

Community colleges.


What type of annual training is required for HHSC SNAP E&T staff, TWC, Workforce Boards, Subcontractors and Third-Party Partnerships?

Annual Civil Rights training.


Name two key objectives of SNAP E&T.

Improve linkages between job seekers and employers; ensure equitable access to services.


What does ABAWD stand for, and what is its significance in SNAP E&T?

Able-Bodied Adults Without Dependents; they are subject to time-limited benefits unless participating in qualifying activities.


What type of support helps participants attend training or interviews?

Transportation services.


How can third-party partnerships enhance SNAP E&T services?

By offering additional services in more areas and leveraging non-federal funding.


What process ensures compliance with state and federal guidelines?

Program monitoring and reporting.


What are the five target audiences for the SNAP E&T Guide guide?

1. HHSC staff

2. Workforce Development Boards (subcontractor)

3. Texas Workforce Commission (TWC) staff.

4. SNAP E&T Third-Party Partnerships

5. SNAP E&T Reverse Referral partners


Name one of the work registration requirements for mandatory participants.

Participants must not be employed or must be employed fewer than 30 hours a week.


What is the role of a Job Coach in the SNAP E&T program?

To create an Individual Employment Plan tailored to the participant’s skills and goals.


What funding source can be supplemented by partnerships with employers?

 Non-federal funding sources.


Why is it important for a SNAP E&T Program to have a Human-Centered-Approach?

A Human-Centered-Approach places the participant in the heart of everything within the program.  This ensures equity, understanding, support and access to valuable skill development and job trainings.


Name one of the legislative milestones that shaped SNAP E&T.

The Food Security Act of 1985, the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996, or the Agriculture Improvement Act of 2018.


What is the enrollment percentage for a college student to be exempt from work requirements?

Enrolled at least half time.

Each institution may determine their own enrollment percentages. 


What is the purpose of an Individual Employment Plan?

To provide a personalized roadmap for achieving career objectives, including training and job placement.


What type of collaboration helps expand job training programs?

Partnerships with local businesses (employers).


Explain the difference between 100% Federal Grant funds and 50/50 funds in SNAP E&T.

100% Federal Grant funds cover administrative costs and activities without requiring state matching, while 50/50 funds require states to match federal funds to provide additional services such as transportation and childcare.