How do we talk TO God?
A) By calling Him on the phone.
B) By praying to Him.
C) By writing Him letters.
Who created the earth and the heavens?
A) Noah
B) Adam and Eve
C) God, through Jesus
Who were Jesus's biological parents?
A) No one knows.
B) Mary and Joseph of Nazareth
C) Hagar and Abraham of Ur
D) Mary, the virgin, and the Holy Spirit of God
What role does the Holy Spirit play in the Holy Trinity?
A) helping to guide God's believers in the Way, the Truth, and the Life.
B) playing the flute
C) like having the genie from Aladdin
Who gave us the idea of communion?
A) Priests of the Catholic church
B) Pastors of the Protestant churches
C) Jesus Christ, the Holy Lamb of God
D) Mary, Jesus's mom
Why do people pray?
A) To talk to God about ANYTHING.
B) To ask for God's blessing.
C) To ask God for help with a problem.
D) To thank Him for all He has given us in our lives.
E) Every letter (A-D)
When we say, "Heavenly FATHER," to whom are we speaking?
A) God, the Father.
B) The people in heaven.
What was Jesus's first public miracle?
A) He healed a leper.
B) He made a blind man see.
C) He made the legs of a cripple man strong enough to walk.
D) He turned water into wine.
After Jesus was baptized, the Holy Spirit 'landed' on His what form?
A) A snake
B) A duck
C) A dove
D) A doe
What do we "eat" for communion?
A) Rice cakes
B) The body of Jesus broken for our sins
C) Bread
D) Both B & C
What name did people give to the prayer Jesus taught His disciples?
A) The Apostle's Creed
B) The Lord's Prayer
C) The Disciples' Prayer
Who knows everything about each one of us, because He created ALL of us?
A) The hospital doctors.
B) God the Creator of everything.
C) Our moms and dads.
D) Both A & C
For whom did John the Baptist prepare a way of arrival?
A) Peter
B) Andrew
C) Jesus
D) Spartacus
How did God make a virgin pregnant?
A) His Holy Spirit hovered over her
B) Magic
C) Adoption
What do we "drink" for communion?
A) The blood of Christ shed for our sins
B) Grape juice
C) Wine
D) All of the above (depending on your church)
Where can we pray?
A) Only in the car.
B) Only at home.
C) Only at school.
D) Only at church.
Who made the way we think and feel?
A) The Holy Spirit
B) The Easter Bunny
C) Santa Claus
D) God, our Creator
Who led Jesus into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil?
A) John the Baptist
B) the Holy Spirit
C) Peter and Mary
D) the devil
Jesus told His disciples that He would send a helper to them... who / what was that helper?
A) A disciple of their own
B) Technology
C) The Holy Spirit
When do we typically take communion at GPC?
A) Every Sunday
B) Every other Sunday
C) The first Sunday of every month
How does God view our prayers?
A) As a form of love and respect toward Him.
B) As annoying interruptions to his day.
C) As begging for more blessings.
Who alone knows the day and hour when the earth and all that exists will no longer exist?
A) Our country's leadership
B) Our parents
C) God alone
D) The Holy Trinity (God, Jesus, & the Holy Spirit)
When the devil tempted Jesus, what did Jesus finally say to get the devil to leave Him alone?
A) Get thee away from me, Satan!
B) Why don't you just buzz off?
C) Wouldn't you like to get out of this desert?
D) Nothing
Who can send us the Holy Spirit for help?
A) God and Jesus
B) Our prayers
C) Both A & B
Do you have to be perfect to receive communion?
A) Yes