define ICF
What is Intracellular Fluid= Water in the cells, 40% of body weight?
The pituitary gland secrete this to regulate fluid balance.
What is anit-diuretic hormone (ADH)= vasopressin?
Common causes of fluid volume overload.
What is over-hydration, abnormal intake, HF, and kidney failure?
at risk - older adults, chronic debilitating conditions, any person receiving IV therapy
Normal sodium range.
What is 135-145 mEq/L?
Common causes of hyponatremia.
What is GI suctioning, diarrhea, inadequate salt intake, vomiting, diuretics, fluid shifts?
Define ECF
Extravascular Fluid= Intravascular (PLASMA), Interstitial (Between Cells), Transcellular space (Fluid in abdominal cavity, synovial cavity, etc.)
Low ADH is also known as
What is diabetes insipidus?
increased output
Clinical manifestations of fluid volume deficit.
What is weight loss, decreased skin turgor, dry oral mucous membranes, decreased urinary output, increased urinary specific gravity, increased BUN and HCT?
Normal magnesium range
What is 1.3-2.1 mEq/L ?
Common causes of hypernatremia.
What is Cushing's syndrome, diabetes insipidus, excessive water loss, high sodium food?
Define osmolarity/osmolality.
What is the concentration of solute in solution?
High ADH also know as
What is the SIADH (syndrome of inappropriate ADH)?
decreased output
Clinical manifestations of fluid volume overload.
What is weight gain, peripheral edema, distended neck veins, increased central venous pressure, Fluid in the lungs, SOB dyspnea, JVD, Polyuria, decreased BUN, & HCT?
Normal blood PH range.
What is 7.35-7.45?
Clinical manifestation of hyponatremia
What are neurological changes, headache, lethargy, muscle twitching, coma, & seizures?
Define Urine Specific Gravity (SG) and normal values.
What is the number of particles in the urine and 1.015-1.025?
The adrenal cortex secretes this hormone to regulate blood pressure.
What is aldosterone?
Normal Potassium Range.
What is 3.5-5?
Normal hematocrit (hct).
What is 40-50-%?
Clinical manifestations of hypernatremia.
What is confusion, lethargy, restlessness, increased edema, decreased urine output, thirst, elevated temp, dry mouth, + sticky mouth membranes?
The gland regulates the thirst mechanism.
What is the Hypothalamus?
Common causes of fluid volume deficiency (FVD).
What is diarrhea, blood loss, trauma, GI suctioning, burns, vomiting, diuretics?
Normal Calcium range.
What is 8.6-10.2 mg?
Normal hemoglobin.
What is 12-18 g/dL ?
Normal Albumin range.
What is 3.5-5.0g/dL ?