Walk to your assigned seat.
What is the proper way to enter the room?
A secret string of letters, symbols, and numbers
that you can use to restrict who can access something digital
What is a passsword?
A fake Instagram account used for posting to a specific group of people or to post anonymously
What is finsta?
You are allowed to keep your book for this amount of time.
What is two weeks?
What is Baltimore's football team?
Nothing except books you want to check in or books to read on silent reading days.
What should I bring to the library with me?
If your Instagram password is figured out your account can be ___________.
What is hacked?
Posting without anyone knowing who you are
If you're not finished with your book, you would need to do this.
What is renew?
Baltimore Oriole
What is Maryland's state bird?
What voice level should we use when entering the library?
If your phone password is figured out it can ___________.
What is unlocked?
Affinity group
What is a group of people linked by a common interest or purpose?
Library computers may never be used to do this.
What is play games?
Movie based on true African king?
What is The Woman King?
Non negotiables!
What is respect and keep your hands to yourself?
We use a strong password to ________ our information and identity online.
What is protect?
To hide who they are, to post without parents knowing, to be rude or mean
What are reasons people have fake social media accounts?
You will need to do this if you lose or damage a book.
What is pay for it?
Hazelwood's Assistant Principal
Who is Mr. Rowe
Do not rock!!!
What are the chairs and desks?
A group of words that go together and are easy to remember
What is a phrase?
To select, organize, and look after a collection
(e.g., content posted to a social media profile)
What is curate?
So others can use it too.
Why should I take care of the library's equipment?
Who is Dr. Santelises?