Walker's favorite artist
Rex Orange County
Walker cooks this to cause uproar in the apartment
Walker leaves this out in the kitchen
Walker does this while laying in bed
Watch The Office
Kevin hates this sexuality the most
Dante's favorite Kanye album
Jesus is King
This is Kevin's favorite form of food
Frozen or microwaveable
Matt leaves this out in the kitchen
A pot with just some water
Matt does this while laying in bed
Looking at all the memes
This person says racial slurs to Dante
Emma Lutes
This is Matt's favorite song to sing in the shower
This is Matt's favorite beverage (non-alcoholic)
Dante leaves this out in the kitchen
Sandwich plate (paper plate)
Kevin does this while laying in bed
On his GameBoy
Walker is against this
Kevin is this band's biggest fan
Dirty Honey
Matt eats this like an absolute maniac
Block of cheese
Kevin always has this down his pants
His hand
Dante does this while laying in bed
On YouTube
This person could hold a conversation with himself all day
Walker's favorite composer
Dante sits here to eat anything
The chair plus tall table combo
This person might actually believe he his a wild animal
Dante does this while Matt and Walker are in bed
Inappropriate touching
Walker doesn't understand how this service works