the woman that posed as a prostitute so that she could meet with her father in law?
Who is Tamar see Genesis 38:12-15
asked God to bless him and enlarge his territory?
Who is: Jabez See: 1 Chronicles 4:10
the first polygamist mentioned in the Bible?
Who is: Lamech See: Genesis 4:19
From which book comes the phrase: "The blind leading the blind?"
What is: Matthew See: Matthew 15:14
known as "The voice of one crying in the wilderness?"
Who is: John the Baptist See: Matthew 3:1-3
the woman that was successful in getting Samson to divulge the source of his strength?
Who is Delilah see: Judges 16:18
bought Joseph from the Midianite traders?
Who is: Potiphar See: Genesis 37:36
the first individual mentioned by name in the Bible that was slain by God because of some evil doing?
Who is: Er See: Genesis 38:7
From which book comes the phrase: "My brother's keeper?"
What is: Genesis See: Genesis 4:9
called, "son of the morning?"
Who is : Lucifer See: Isaiah 14:12
the woman that prophesied to Barak that he would win the battle, but the victory would be at the hands of a woman?
Who is Deborah see: Judges 4:4-9
climbed up into a sycamore tree to see Jesus?
Who is: Zacchaeus See: Luke 19:1-10
the first man in the Bible to die a natural death?
Who is Adam See: Genesis 5:5
From which book comes the phrase: "Pride goeth before a fall?"
What is: Proverbs See: Proverbs 16:18
known as "The last Adam?"
Who is: Jesus See: 1 Corinthians 15:45-48
the woman that drove a tent peg through the skull of Sisera?
Who is Jael See: Judges 4:18-21
Jacob's wife Rachel died giving birth to whom?
Who is: Benjamin See: Genesis 35:16-20
the first man recorded in the Bible as having lived in a cave?
Who is: Lot See: Genesis 19:30
From which book comes the phrase: "Wolf in sheep's clothing?"
What is: Matthew. See: Matthew 7:15
described as "perfect and upright, and one that feared God"?
Who is: : Job See: Job 1:1
the woman that hid two spies under some piles of flax on her roof?
Who is Rahab See: Joshua 2:1-6
was killed by three darts shot into his heart?
Who is: Absalom See: 2 Samuel 18:14
the man whose sons divided and occupied 'the isles of the Gentiles'.
Who is: Japheth See: Genesis 10:1-5
From which book comes the phrase: "Can a leopard change his spots?"
What is :Jeremiah. See: Jeremiah 13:23
Paul described as "My own son in the faith"?
Who is: : Timothy See: 1 Timothy 1:2