David and Gabe have been friends for a while. The exact time is
What is 23 years?
"Being a human binky is your sole purpose on this earth."
Sara and Alisa have been on quite a few traveling adventures. Name 5 towns/cities they have visited.
What is....Rome, Milan, Genoa, Naples, Marseille, Avignon, Barcelona, Sevilla, Granada, Cordoba, Lisbon, Porto, etc
Give 5 friends' middle names.
giving you guys options here
This Gabe Parsons show was the season finale of a very...eventful...summer for the gang (barn parties, secret songs, and World Cup, oh my!)
what was Solsticesonic 2021?
Name the friend that first taught Alisa how to drive.
"In five years when titty milk gets big you'll regret it. Imagine soft serve."
Before everyone was a *consistent participant*, the gang had a lot of trouble making one of these on a trip to Delhi.
What is a blunt?
Name of kat's single dropping soon (yay!)
What is Do Not Disturb?
Alisa, Danny, and Fabian lived together for a whole year (shocking ik). This was their favorite thing to cook together.
what is trader joes frozen dumplings? (not the chicken and rice or fabian's beans & tuna sorry guys)
The event that saw these major moments: kat announcing she was Bi (rip), ashley crying to one direction, & conrad throwing up a bottle of wine (sorry)
what was the 2020 beach trip?
"People who don't have iPhones are not actually people."
The food item Danny masterfully hid in his pocket "for later" while in New Orleans visiting Gabe.
What is a potato?
5 people (I think) have tattoos on their ankle/lower leg...name the people and what the tattoos are.
Alisa, Ashley, Fabian, Sara, Kat
In November 2022 we had our second annual powerpoint night. This is the reason David was not in attendance.
What is lice?
The chaos that left Sara fighting with her husband, Ashley running into her ex on the eve of her wedding, and Alisa & fabian walking around the world for each other.
What is Almost, Maine?
"I'm duct taping a condom to your back for emergencies."
A trip to Memphis in 2017 birthed the core four of Danny, Gabe, Alisa, and Katia. Name the kitchen appliance the group had to clean that facilitated the start of the friendship.
What is a range hood/stove vent?
We (almost) all have siblings. We should all know them by now. Name at least one sibling for each group member. For the only child name the pet.
Alisa--Daniel, Yana, Leo
Ashley--Sarah, Morgan
Gabe--Sofia, Zak
Kat--Woody, Frances
The drink of choice for a few years of this friendship. (Hint: in theme with a movie that just dropped)
What is witch juice?
Open ended: explain how we are all connected to Nikki Reznik.
this would take too long to type out
"Pop a titty, knock some sense into him."
On Ashley and Alisa's high school exchange trip to France they spent 7 hours hanging out on this landmark.
What is the Eiffel Tower?
Guitar Gabe is always singing...but are we listening? Name Gabe's first album and the year it came out.
What is Beyond the Seas, 2018?
Ashley and Fabian are our cutest and longest lasting couple (get married already we need a win). Name the event at which sparks first flew. (I hope I'm right about this)
What is a barn party?