OSHA stands for...
What is Occupational Safety and Health Administration
Baby teeth
What is the primary dentition?
I retract and refract all to help you see in the mouth.
What is a mouth mirror?
We come in different colors and sizes and aren't too cozy once the putty is placed.
What are impression trays?
You chart me in this color if I already exist,
What is Blue?
Hepatitis B can live up to _____ on hard surfaces
What is 1 week?
To be without teeth
What is edentulous?
I'm so fast only a doctor may use me inside a Pt's mouth.
What is a highspeed handpiece?
I can be blue, I can be yellow, I can red depending on the positioning.
What is an xray rinn?
I am the color you use when the tooth requires something to be done.
What is red?
What is the human defense system?
A high level disinfectant used as cold sterile
What is Glutaraldehyde?
What is a plastic instrument?
Oh the filling is all placed? Let me shine a little brighter to make sure it stays.
What is a curing light?
I can be charted as a V or l
What is a Root canal
Hepatitis C can live up to _______ on hard surfaces
What is 6 weeks?
The pear shaped projection in the back of your mouth
What is a uvula?
I am an attachment used usually with an acrylic bur outside of the Pt's mouth. My sibling has a bit of an angle.
What is a straight?
What is alginate?
What is a Gold Crown?
The responsibility of OSHA
What is to ensure the safety of America's workers?
The position of the maxillary and mandibular arch naturally coming together and the teeth rest.
What is occlusion?
Only the doctor or the hygienist use me. I like to measure the gingiva.
What is a periodontal probe?
I'm little but I'm mighty. I can help the Pt hold their mouth open the entire procedure.
What is an abscess and what is a root tip?