Ohio news
The good, the bad and the ugly
Life in the fast lane
True or False
This man is Ohio's governor.
Who is John Kasich
Name one of your two local state representatives.
Who are Bill Coley and Gary Cates
This is the average salary a journalist would make just out of college.
What is $25,000 to 28,000.
A typical journalist works these hours.
What is 'Round the clock. There are no typical hours.
True or false, journalists are trusted by the public?
What is True and False. Locally, you build relationships and a readership. While people sometimes take what they read with a grain of salt, they may trust you more than they would the "national media." Overall, though, people tend to like journalists as much as they like going to the dentist.
Name one of the hottest bills being discussed in Columbus right now.
Senate Bill 5 or the state budget bill (jobs bill)
Name John Boehner's new title
Speaker of the House
This is what a journalist would need to study in college (besides journalism) to be successful.
What is a trick question. Journalists need a variety of classes to be experts in nothing, but competent in everything.
Name one format a journalist uses to get the news out to the community
What is the web pages, blogs, newsprint, television, radio, apps, Facebook and Twitter
True or False, newspapers are going away.
What is Your guess is as good as mine, but for now, I will say false. People need their news, and they want it in multiple ways. (APPs, e-lerts, online and in print).
Name one of the Liberty Twp. trustees.
Who are Christine Matacic, David Kern or Pat Hiltman
Name the vice president of the United States?
Who is Joe Biden
This is the secret to landing a good job. Some might call it slave labor. Others, a right of passage.
What is an internship.
Name a skill a reporter needs besides a good, solid background in writing.
What are working well with people, asking good questions, stubbornness, a sense of humor, ability to multi-task, tolerance for criticism, a thirst for information, a narrow focus for details and a broad focus for the big picture.
True or False: A newspaper reporter only writes for newspapers.
What is False. I write for our company's magazine, online exclusives, occasional blogs and even appear on radio and television. Be prepared to be all of the above. (and be able to take your own photos and be internet savvy.)
Name the interim superintendent for Lakota?
Who is Ron Spurlock
This court is located in the same building as the West Chester Twp. police. There also are two other courts just like this one in the county.
What is Area III court
The job market for journalists is tough, with most graduates struggling to find work. This should be your plan B.
What is a second major. Find something to fall back on should you either decide journalism isn't for you or if you can't land that first job for a while.
Name one thing a reporter can find out about a person by searching online?
What are address, phone number, tax information, value of home, clubs, activities, image ... you name it...
True or False: Journalism is just for people interested in writing.
What is False. Careers in journalism include the following: Copy editing, information technology, media law, advertising, communications/public relations, marketing, television, radio, production, print management, business...
Name the mayor of Cincinnati, and why was he recently in the news?
Mark Mallory on Undercover Boss
This law gives the public open access to government, providing rights to access information and meetings.
What is the Ohio Sunshine Law (or open records law).
This is a compilation of your work "clips" needed to impress those hiring your for internships, admitting you into college journalism programs or giving you your first job.
What is a portfolio. (Start working on it now)
In addition to interviewing and reporting, journalists spend their day doing these things:
What are answering the phone, scheduling photos, taking photos, attending meetings (LOTS OF MEETINGS), responding to hundreds of e-mails, sifting through requests and prioritizing and balancing a schedule that changes in a second if there is breaking news.
True or False: To be a journalist, you need to be dedicated in high school and college.
What is True: You must prepare yourself for the trade by focusing on learning correct grammar, studying a foreign language, understanding political science and government, being able to translate scientific discoveries into digestible information and even art...being creative...