What is Danny Warrington's soap name
What alcohol did Logan drink at every party
Smirnoff Ice
Who got yelled at for drinking Mtn Dew Kickstart on the bench
Ben Grant
Where did AJ come from
What did Pius drug me with in shediac
Sour Patch Kid edible
What word did Shitman spell horribly wrong at his camp on harvey lake
Kayak (+50 if they say it was kawak)
What did Ben Chessie say about the other teams blockers in volleyball
Wet paper towel
What was my first number in Mini Boys
Where is the Red Pidgeon most lethal from on the rink
WELL behind half
What did we try to smoke weed out of the first time we smoked (At Dara's)
Gum Wrapper
Who claimed they threw mad hands during the campo fight but was proven wrong after reviewing the tapes
what are my favorite golf shoes
Who did Shitman used to play fortnite with before we picked him up
Ben Allard
What was the theme for all of our Instagram handles in middle school
What was Coach K's symbol to get us to lock in
A tent +50 if they say intentse
Where was my first house
Frog Lake
Who was our first soccer coach
What did we always say before we would drive to fredericton to NOT go to where we said
Dons run
My mini boys rival on grand falls
goggles boy
What movie did I base Nim's name from
Nim's Island