Max Weber (Vay-ber)
When people under observation change their behaviors
The Hawthorne Effect
The process by which cultural items spread within and between cultures
Cultural Diffusion
The underlying framework of society, consisting of the positions people occupy and the relationships between them
Social Structure
The life long process that perpetuates the fundamental nature of existing social structures
Emotion based relationships
The degree to which a measure truly reflects the phenomenon under study
A set of expected behaviors for people who occupy a given social status
Social role
Promote Unity; Create Knowledge; Produce Goods
Societal Needs
This sociologist said the "I" acting/reacting self and the "ME" is the socialized self.
George Herbert Mead
Coined the term "Sociology"
Auguste Comte
Using Census data or data collected by other scholars are examples of which research method?
Secondary Analysis
Social position assigned to a person by society without regard for the person’s unique talents or characteristics
Ascribed Status
The status that dominates others and thereby determines a person’s general position in society
Master Status
The two factors that make humans human, according to sociologists
Empathy and Language
This paradigm would be concerned about the meanings that people attach to their behavior and how they communicated these meanings to others around them
Interactionist Paradigm
(Symbolic Interactionist)
The only way to examine causal relationships
Beliefs, values, knowledge and language
Cognitive Culture
Integrated and persistent social network dedicated to ensuring that society’s core needs are met
Social Institutions
We imagine how others see us
We imagine how others evaluate what we think they see
We define our self as a result of these assumptions
Steps of Looking Glass Self
This historic sociologist argued that the rising division of labor has led to fewer common experiences among individuals
Emile Durkheim
When sociologists transform an abstract concept so that it's observable and measurable
These reflect people’s ideas about what is good and desirable in a society
Cultural Values
Generally unplanned; change slowly; interdependence; vary across culture
Qualities of Social Institutions
Altering our presentation of self in order to create distinctive appearances and satisfy particular audiences