Conceptualization, Operationalization
Literature Review
A composite measure based upon multiple nominal-level indicators.
What is an index
This is a level of measurement that includes no ranking and only offers a name or label for a variable
What is nominal
This is a literature review
What is A literature review surveys, summarized and links together research in a given field or topic
This sampling technique involves selecting subjects based on who's available at the time of the sample collection
What is convenience sampling
What is happened in the study
Multivariate relationship
What is a relationship between more than 2 variables.
Intercoder reliability
What is checking the consistency of coding of content by comparing the themes found by multiple coders.
Difference between author and theme literature review
What is one is written as summaries from authors while the other is written based on themes
Snowball sampling
What is a technique that is used when the desired sample characteristic is rare, it relies on referrals from initial subjects to add more subjects.
These are all included in the data/method section
What is participants, procedure, measure/materials, analysis
Differences between scale and index
What is index accumulates scores by individual attributes while scales assign scores to patterns of responses
Face validity
What is The measure seems to be related to what we are interested in finding out even if it does not fully encompass the concept
This type of literature review technique examines broad-based research first and then focus on specific studies that relate to the topic
What is General-to-Specific Order
This sampling method involves the "kth" element whereby an interval is created to select units for the sample
What is systematic sampling
The sample was recruited by posting fliers in five community centers that housed after-school programs for elementary school children. Fliers asked single parents of school-aged children interested in a study of learning to contact the researcher if they wanted their children to participate in a brief study of learning styles.
What is number of community centers, who the fliers were targeted for, what kind of program was targeted,
This is what a likert scale is and what it looks like
What is uses standardized response categories. the researcher might ask the respondent to 1) strongly disagree; 2) disagree; 3) neither agree nor disagree; 4) agree; or 5) strongly agree with the statement
These are the three measurement classes used by social scientists
What is direct observations, indirect observations, and constructs
This is the importance of distinguishing multiple definitions of a concept
What is it helps understand how it's been defined and thus how it was measured based on the definition. We want want to be consistent.
The two types of sampling methods
What is probability sampling and non-probability sampling
All currently enrolled students were identified and women and men were divided into separate groupings. Women were assigned a number from 1 to 5,390 and men assigned a number from 1 to 6040 (there were 5,390 and 6040 women and men on the rolls respectively). Research assistants drew numbers with a computerized random-digit program, and contacted women and men and asked them if they would be willing to join the study, until by sampling with replacement, 400 women and 400 men had agreed to be in the study.
What is This is for a stratified random sample The strata—male and female are described The method of random sampling—using a computerized random digit generator is described Who contacts them (a research assistant) is noted How contact is made (by phone) is noted
Summarizes the intersection of two or more variables to create a set of categories or types.
What is typology
this type of validity addresses the "true" causes of the outcomes observed in a study
What is internal validity
This is the what you should be able to do after writing your literature review given you discussed theory and concepts of your topic
What is set up your hypotheses which come from your literature review.
The difference between a population and a sample
What is a population is defined as including all people or items with the characteristic one wishes to understand while a sample is a supposed to be a representative sample of the population
These are challenges of the procedure section
What is The most challenging task in a procedure section is to get the right level of detail Enough so that the reader has a clear sense of exactly what happened and how it happened But not so much that it is boring or overwhelming