Rational Choice Model
Normativity Model

In Antunes and Hunt's findings, which of the following is the most important factor in influencing compliance?

A. Certainty of punishment.

B. Severity of punishment.

C. Both A & B.

D. Neither A nor B. 

A. Certainty of punishment.


Why is morality a double-edged sword in the context of legal compliance?

A. Morality is controlled by lawmakers so it is weakened in society.

B. Morality can lead someone to disobey laws they find immoral. 

C. Morality fails to account for individual preferences. 

B. Morality can lead someone to disobey laws they find immoral.


Does the research on procedural justice tell us about how fair or legitimate a legal system actually is?

A. Yes.

B. No.

B. No.


What is a victimless crime?

A. A crime where no one is caught.

B. A crime where the victim forgives the offender.

C. A crime where everyone involved consents to the activity/it only affects the person committing the crime.

D. A crime where most people think it should be legal.

C. A crime where everyone involved consents to the activity/it only affects the person committing the crime.


Martin Luther King Jr. relies on which legal tradition to make his case against following unjust laws?

A. Enlightenment thinking

B. Legal Formalism

C. Sociological Jurisprudence

D. Natural Law

D. Natural Law


General Deterrence refers to which of the following groups:

A. People who have committed a crime but never been punished

B. People who have never been punished.

C. People who have committed a crime and been punished.

D. People who have never committed a crime but have been punished. 

B. People who have never been punished.


Which of the following describes the Indirect Effects Model:

A. People follow the law because it comes from a legitimate authority.

B. People follow the law because it happens to align with their moral beliefs.

C. People's moral evaluations are affected by what is and is not legal.

A. People follow the law because it comes from a legitimate authority.


Procedural justice is BEST described as:

A. The treatment of the defense by the media is fair and neutral.

B. The legal process overall was fair and neutral.

C. The right group won their case.

B. The legal process overall was fair and neutral.


Instrumental functions of the law seek to do what?

A. Control morality & definitions of identity

B. Control disruptive behavior

C. Control elites

D. Control society

B. Control disruptive behavior


Which type of speaker tends to perform better in court proceedings? (Conley & O’Barr)

A. Rule-Oriented Speakers

B. Speakers who have been to court before

C. Speakers who talk as little as possible

D. Relational Speakers

A. Rule-Oriented Speakers


Restrictive Deterrence is best described as:

A. abstaining from committing a crime entirely.

B. asking someone else to commit a crime on your behalf.

C. committing a less severe version of the crime you intended.

D. stopping someone else from committing a crime.

C. committing a less severe version of the crime you intended.


Which of the following describes the Direct Effects Model:

A. People's moral evaluations are affected by what is and is not legal.

B. People follow the law because it comes from a legitimate authority.

C. People follow the law because it happens to align with their moral beliefs.

C. People follow the law because it happens to align with their moral beliefs.


Distributive Justice is best described as:

A. The legal process is fair and neutral.

B. The judge and jury in a court case did not discriminate on the basis of the parties' identities. 

C. The correct party won the court case. 

D. The punishments awarded are severe enough to appease society.

C. The correct party won the court case. 


Which perspective believes that punishment reinforces and clarifies who is in control?

A. The conflict perspective.

B. The consensus perspective.

C. Neither perspective. 

A. The conflict perspective.


Are all acts of principled resistance collective?

A. Yes

B. No

B. No


Which combination of actor and crime type are most responsive to sanctions and enforcement? (Chambliss)

A. Expressive Crimes by High Commitment Actors

B. Expressive Crimes by Low Commitment Actors

C. Instrumental Crimes by High Commitment Actors

D. Instrumental Crimes by Low Commitment Actors

D. Instrumental Crimes by Low Commitment Actors


Which of the following describes the Mediating Effects Model:

A. People follow the law because it comes from a legitimate authority.

B. People follow the law because it happens to align with their moral beliefs.

C. People's moral evaluations are affected by what is and is not legal.

C. People's moral evaluations are affected by what is and is not legal.


What best describes the relationship between legitimacy and compliance?

A. These are unrelated concepts. 

B. We are more likely to respect and obey when legal authorities and processes are perceived as fair.

C. We are more likely to follow specific laws that we think are morally correct. 

B. We are more likely to respect and obey when legal authorities and processes are perceived as fair.


Which perspective believes that punishment seeks to repair damage that has been done to society?

A. The conflict perspective.

B. The consensus perspective.

C. Neither perspective. 

B. The consensus perspective.


Which of the following is not something Ewick and Silbey raise as a distinction between resistance and ordinary noncompliance?

A. A consciousness of being less powerful in a relationship of power.

B. A consciousness of opportunity, or a situation which you can turn to your advantage.

C. A public declaration of intent to undermine the system.

D. An awareness that power has produced unfair constraints.

C. A public declaration of intent to undermine the system.


Which of the following statements does not describe a tenant of Rational Choice Theory?

A. It is assumed that people know what the costs of non-compliance are.

B. People want to maximize their utility.

C. People are motivated primarily by social values.

D.  Self-interest is the primary trait of individuals. 

C. People are motivated primarily by social values.


Why do we focus on legitimacy in the context of normative decision-making rather than rational choice?

A.  Both rational choice and normativity emphasize the importance of legitimacy equally. 

B. Perceived legitimacy is an interpretive social process rather than an objective assessment of risks and rewards.

C. Legitimacy is not a core consideration of normativity because it deals with the state rather than society. 

B. Perceived legitimacy is an interpretive social process rather than an objective assessment of risks and rewards.


What aspects of legal procedures influence whether people view procedures as fair:

A. Substantive outcomes

B. Consistency in decision making

C. Judge neutrality

D. All of the above influence perceptions of fairness. 

D. All of the above influence perceptions of fairness.


Symbolic functions of the law seek to do what?

A. Control morality & definitions of identity

B. Control disruptive behavior

C. Control elites

D. Control the masses

A. Control morality & definitions of identity


Which is NOT a distinction King makes between just and unjust laws?

A. A law is unjust when it attempts to repair harm through social and financial compensation rather than legal sanctions. 

B. A law is unjust if it is inflicted on a minority that had no part in enacting or devising the law. 

C. A law is sometimes just on its face and unjust in its application.

D. A law is unjust if the majority group compels a minority group to obey the statute but does not make it binding on itself.

A. A law is unjust when it attempts to repair harm through social and financial compensation rather than legal sanctions.