Who cleans the Bathrooms
Who is Mr. David?
Where Ms. Abreu goes when her coffee is getting cold
Microwave room
The name that Leah and Ms. Abreu gave to Teresa
The game you are not supposed to mention in the school
Fort Night
Leahs favorite dinosaur
Who runs the school and who may come to us when there are issues?
Ms. Liz
Where we get the charcoal from
Snack Store
Name of the Ninja Turtle Sheily has
the letter after the word "Art" in your Art Book
Art B
Sitdown in Creole
Where all the kids go that get in trouble in Ms. Abreus class
Ms. Lucys class
It can not be used on math
a pen
he is the class clown in Ms. Abreus eyes
learning about urchins is part of this subject ______.
Ms. Abreus favorite lunch at school
Who is the best at technology in the school?
Mr. Donaldo
It should be used for all your homework
homework folder
Who teaches children how to read, write and more?
All of the Teachers
Main 2 rules in Ms. Abreus Class
Work hard and be respectful
Chicken Salad sandwiches are being served on this day next week
Who used to be in charge of detention afterschool?
Mr. Steven
Where Ms. Abreu goes when you guys are in P.E
9th grade class
the mom that is about 28 years old and has a great art skill
Who is Lily?
When is the 5th, 8th, and 12th grade, graduation date ?
June 3rd
The Canvas at the back of the class says this verse.