French Revolution
World War 1
A bit of This and That

When people feel a strong sense of belonging, identity and pride toward their country or nation.

What is nationalism?


Liberty, Equality and Fraternity

What is the slogan of the 1789  French Revolution?


This includes stable employment rates and a decent standard of living for people.  

What is Economic Prosperity?


A system where a powerful nation controls and exploits (takes advantage of) one or more colonies. A colony was a conquered territory.

What is imperialism?


A nation with its own government, occupying a particular territory with borders.

What is a country?


A large body of people united by common descent, history, culture, or language, inhabiting a particular country or territory.

What is nation?


Before the revolution, the people were divided into 3 groups or classes:  clergy, noblemen & peasants.

What are the 3 estates?


Measures that include laws that protect citizens within a country.  E.g. secure borders, resolving disputes with other countries, maintaining internal stability etc.

What is Security and Safety?


The assassination of Austria's Archduke Ferdinand set into motion a series of international events that led to World War I.

What is the cause of World War I?


A period of time where new ideas were being spread through Europe that challenged the existing order of things.

What was the Enlightenment?


A system of ideas and ideals, especially one which forms the basis of economic or political theory and policy.

What is ideology?


People who were leaders of the church, their job was to pray and teach religious doctrine, they controlled large amounts of land (approximately 10%), they could charge tithe (Tax) which peasants paid and made up only 0.5% of the population.  **They Paid no taxes**

What is the clergy or 1st Estate?


M. = Militarism

A. = Alliances

I.= Imperialism

N.= Nationalism

What are the causes of World War I?


A Canadian Superhero whose mission is to protect others.

Who is Captain Canuck?


King Louis the XVI thought that was chosen by God to rule the people.

What is Divine Right?

Canadian fans supporting Team Canada at the Olympics.  The French Revolution.  Churchill giving an encouraging speech during World War II.

What are examples of nationalism?


Made up 98% of the population of France

** Paid taxes to the Church, the nobles and the state (king)***

What are the peasants or 3rd Estate?


The belief that a country should maintain a strong military and be prepared to use it aggressively to defend its national interests. This was a powerful force in several European nations in the years prior to World War I. 

What is militarism?

A young girl who takes care of her family in Afghanistan by dressing up as a boy to be able to shop for food and earn money.

Who is Parvana in the Breadwinner?


On July 14th, fearing that the King was gathering troops, around 600 angry Parisians attacked, and seized control of this prison.  They set free the 2 prisoners and seized the weapons that were stored there.

What is the Storming of the Bastille?


Language, Ethnicity, Culture

Religion, Geography, Relationship to land

Spirituality, Politics

What are things that contribute to feelings of nationalism?


King Louis the XVI

Who was the king of France during the revolution?


A formal political, military or economic agreement between two or more nations.  These usually contain promises of support, including money, supplies, weapons or declaring war. 

What are alliances?


The topic that we have been discussing all semester, it is tied to how people feel about themselves as a group, their country, their sense of belonging together.

What is nationalism?


Love of one’s country or nation.  Can inspire behaviour from simply walking in or watching a parade (e.g. Canada Day) or risking one’s life to defend a nation.

What is Patriotism?