Cold War

This is the total value of goods and services produced in country in a calendar year.

What is GDP?


The principles includes rule of law, individual rights and freedoms, private property, economic freedom, self-interest, and competition. 

What is classical liberalism?


This was a $13 billion plan to help the recovery of countries of Europe, communist or democratic from the aftermath if World War II.

What is the Marshall Plan?


In these three instances the Canadian government used the War Measures Act.

What is WWI, WWII, and the FLQ Crisis?


This economic policy implemented by Lenin was widely considered a failure.

What is the War Communism?


This system of economics is very similar to Thatcherism but was used in the United States of America. 

What is Reaganomics?


A form of liberalism that involves government intervention in the economy and a greater emphasis on equality. 

What is modern liberalism?


He was the leader of the Vietnamese nationalist resistance movement.

Who is Ho Chi Minh?


These are the circumstances in which the Canadian government could use the War Measures Act.

What is war, invasion, or insurrection? 


He established a military dictatorship in Chile in the 1970s. 

Who is Augusto Pinochet?


This is an ideology that emerged to oppose liberalism in the 1970s.  Supporters of this generally believe that economic growth can be stimulated by cutting taxes and government involvement in economic market should be limited.

What is neo-conservatism?


This classical liberal ideology supports the idea of free markets and individual rights and has its origins with the ideas of French physiocrats.

What is laissez faire economics?


A movement in the 1950s in the United States that was highly anti-communist and persecuted many people with communist ties.

What is McCarthyism?


These are two examples of fundamental freedoms protected by the Charter of Rights and Freedoms. 

What are freedom of speech and freedom of religion?

(answers will vary)


Pierre Trudeau issued this to abolish treaties, the Department of Indian Affairs, and everything else that had kept the First nations and Inuit people distinct from the rest of the people of Canada.

What is the White Paper?


This economic policy of Gorbachev has been compared to Lenin’s New Economic Policy in that it was introduced in an attempt to kick start the Soviet economy. 

What is perestroika?


This important work in classical liberal economic theory was published in 1776. 

What is the Wealth of Nations?


This was an attack on Cuban soil perpetuated by Cuban exiles trained and supported by the US military during the Kennedy administration.

What is the Bay of Pigs invasion?


Within a few weeks of the 9/11 terrorist attacks this legislation made its way quickly through the House of Representatives and the Senate.

What is the USA PATRIOT Act? 


This is a form of government in which political power rests with a small elite segment of society. they are often controlled by politically powerful families who pass on their influence to their children. 

What is an oligarchy? 


This refers to economic and social gaps among individuals, communities and countries.

What is disparity?


The ratio between the amount of any given deposit which must be retained as security by a bank and the amount the bank can lend out or invest. 

What is the reserve ratio?


In February 1945, the Allies met and decided on the future of post war Europe at this WWII conference. The key principle that was agreed was the European countries would decide their own futures. 

What is the Yalta Conference?


During the 1970 FLQ Crisis rights guaranteed to Canadians in this document were suspended.

What is the Canadian Bill of Rights?


As an act of their opposition of modernization, this group of people destroyed industry machinery in order to preserve the ways of the past.

Who are the Luddites?