Conflict Resolution
Social Skills

What is healthy communication?

Healthy communication means talking and listening to each other in a kind and respectful way.


What is empathy?

Empathy is when you try to understand how someone else is feeling and care about their feelings.


What is conflict resolution?

Conflict resolution is finding a way to solve a disagreement or problem with someone else peacefully.


What is teamwork?

Teamwork is when a group of people work together to reach a common goal or finish a task.


What are social skills?

Social skills are the ways we communicate and interact with other people, like talking, listening, and being friendly.


Why is it important to listen when someone else is talking?

Listening shows that you care about what the other person is saying, and it helps you understand their feelings


Why is it important to be empathetic?

Being empathetic helps us be kind and supportive to others, making them feel understood and loved.


Why is it important to resolve conflicts?

Resolving conflicts helps keep friendships strong and makes everyone feel happier and safer.


Why is teamwork important?

Teamwork is important because it helps us share ideas, combine our strengths, and get things done faster and better.


Why are social skills important?

Social skills are important because they help us make friends, work together, and understand how to get along with others.


How can you express your feelings to a friend?

You can use "I" statements, like "I feel sad when..." or "I really like it when..." to share your feelings.


How can you show empathy to a friend who is sad?

You can listen to them, give them a hug, or say something nice to show you care about how they feel.


What should you do first if you have a disagreement with a friend?

The first thing to do is to talk to your friend calmly and listen to what they have to say.


How can you be a good team member?

You can be a good team member by listening to others, sharing your ideas, and helping out when needed.


What is a good way to start a conversation with someone new?

A good way to start a conversation is to say "Hi!" and ask them a question, like "What’s your favorite game?"


What should you do if you don’t understand what someone is saying?

You can ask questions like, "Can you explain that again?" or "What do you mean?" to help you understand better.


What can you do if you see someone being left out?

You can invite them to play or talk to them to make them feel included and happy.


How can you find a solution to a problem with someone?

You can brainstorm ideas together and try to find a compromise that makes both of you happy.


What should you do if you disagree with someone on your team?

If you disagree, it’s best to talk about it calmly, listen to their point of view, and try to find a solution together.


How can you show someone you are listening?

You can show you are listening by looking at them, nodding your head, and asking questions about what they are saying.


How can you show someone you are listening?

You can show you are listening by nodding your head, making eye contact, and not interrupting when they are speaking.


How can you practice empathy at home or school?

You can practice empathy by asking your family or friends how their day was and really listening to their answers.


What can you do if you feel really upset during a conflict?

If you feel upset, it’s okay to take a break, calm down, and then talk about the problem when you’re ready.


Can teamwork be fun? How?

Yes, teamwork can be fun! Working together on a project, playing games, or solving challenges can create great memories and friendships.


What should you do if you want to join a group playing a game?

You can politely ask if you can join in by saying, "Can I play too?" and be friendly to everyone in the group.