unit 1/7
Unit 2/7
unit 3
unit 4/5
unit 6 and 7

The First Nations group referred to as the “Planters of the Corn” is most likely referring to the agricultural nation of the 

What is Haudenosaunee

  1. fur trading and fishing

What is Jacques Cartier makes contact with the Stadacona people


The desire for furs in Europe was a leading cause for the exploration and settlement of the entire country of Canada. This was due to:

What is the fur bearing animals in Canada which were plentiful and inexpensive


After the Treaty of Paris (1763), which ended the Seven Years’ War between France and Britain, the British policy regarding the people of New France was t

What was to assimilate French Canadiens in the colony

  1. A major weakness with the Legislative Assemblies of Upper and Lower Canada was that

What was their laws could be vetoed by anyone with more power than them

  1. First Nations creation stories are a form of _______________, passed on by the tribal _____________.

What is Traditional teachings, elders


The “coureurs de bois” were French for

What is adventurers who traveled inland in search of furs


The British and French had different approaches to the fur trade. A major difference was the British presence in Hudson Bay. This area was most important to the British because:

What was many major rivers flow into Hudson Bay, which created better transportation routes and access to more First Nations trading partners


The Quebec Act of 1774 recognized that the:

What is the Canadiens were not going to be assimilated easily, French language needed to be allowed, French seigneurial system for farming was needed and the Catholic Church was important to the Canadiens


One recommendation of Lord Durham’s report was that

What was the colonies of Upper and Lower Canada should be united into one province


A decision making did most Aboriginal societies use

What is  ad ecision making by consensus

  1. Which French adventurer is known as the “Father of New France” because of his efforts to establish permanent settlements in the French held territories of North America?

What is Samuel de Champlain


An action did the British take against the Acadians in 1755?

They were deported from Acadia, and their property was confiscated


The main reason that the British passed the Quebec Act was that they wanted to

What was the gain the loyalty of the French when the American colonists were moving toward rebellion

  1. What did Lord Durham mean by the term “responsible government?”

What is the elected assembly had complete control over all matters with the Governor acting as only as the final approval, without the ability to veto


The first prosperous industries Europeans established in North America were

What is fur trading and fishing


The historical event that would have put John A. Macdonald in this type of situation was

What was Riel being found guilty and sentenced to hang for treason against the Canadian government


The control of New France was essential for Britain’s victory in the Seven Years War. In order to completely take over North America, they would have to defeat the French at:

What is Louisbourg first, then Quebec


he American Revolution was significant to Canadian history because it

What caused many Loyalists to come to Canada, greatly increasing the English speaking population


The Métis enlisted Louis Riel to lead a provisional government in Fort Garry. Riel led the movement to: 

What was the negotiate the terms of being a part of Canada


Free Trade means

What is not having tariffs on imported goods


After Macdonald solves the dilemma that he faces in the cartoon, he

What was the gains the support of English voters and wins the next federal election


The outcome from the War of 1812 that is still visible today is the:

What was the 49th parallel of latitude, which was established as the political boundary between the USA and Canada


After the American War of Independence, the people that remained loyal to the British crown were seen as traitors. The main outcome of this division was:

What was many Loyalists moved to British colonies

  1. The best way to ensure building a strong and effective economy and industry in Canada was to:

What is protect Canadian goods from the cheaper goods of the United States