The Harlem Renaissance Literature
Literary Terms
Vietnam Literature
Civil Rights Literature
Major writer of the Harlem Renaissance; famous for works like "Harlem"
Who is Langston Hughes?
The speaker of "The Weary Blues" has been listening to this instrument being played.
What is the piano?
This word means "rebirth."
What is renaissance?
In "On the Rainy River" the main character considers fleeing to this country to avoid the draft.
What is Canada?
Martin Luther King, Jr., says people sometimes react to oppression with violence. According to him, the idea of an eye for an eye "leaves everybody ________."
What is blind?
Female writer of the Harlem Renaissance who is famous for the novel Their Eyes Were Watching God
Who is Zora Neale Hurston?
In "My City" the speaker of the poem is going to miss this city when he dies.
What is Manhattan?
One or more repeated lines of poetry that function like the chorus of a song
What is a refrain?
Where did Norman Morisson light himself on fire?
What is in front of the Pentagon?
According to Malcom X, people may need to use violence to protect themselves in this situation.
What is when the government won't protect its own citizens?
Minnesota native who is famous for the novel The Things They Carried which tells stories of soldiers in the Vietnam war
Who is Tim O'Brien?
In "How It Feels to Be Colored Me," Hurston develops an anology. This is what the colored bags represent.
What are different skin colors?
"If We Must Die" and "My City" are examples of this 14 line poem format
What is sonnet?
In "On the Rainy River" Tim O'Brien worked a job doing this.
What is butchering hogs?
According to Martin Luther King, Jr., the best way to fight oppression is through __________.
What is nonviolent resistance?
In the book Coming of Age in Mississippi, this author tells of a protest she was involved in during college
Who is Anne Moody?
In McKay's "If We Must Die," the speaker says his people should not die like this type of animal.
What are hogs?
The writer's attitude toward his/her subject
What is tone?
In "On the Rainy River" Tim 'O Brien is given the opportunity to escape across the river when he and Elroy are using this type of transportation.
What is a boat?
In the excerpt from Coming of Age in Mississippi, Anne Moody tells of her experience taking part in a sit-in at this store's lunch counter.
What is Woolworth's?
This poet of "If We Must Die," was called the "poet of rebellion" by James Weldon Johnson.
Who is Claude McKay?
Langston Hughes ask what happens to a dream deferred. The last line suggests, "Or, does it _________?"
What is explode?
The term for a main idea that is suggested or hinted at by the details of a text
What is an implicit idea?
In "On the Rainy River" Tim O' Brien says he was a ____ because he went to war.
What is coward?
According to Martin Luther King, Jr., some people deal with oppression by being passive and just taking it. The term for this is _____________.
What is acquiescence?