Cultural Impact
Social Impact
Government Action

Why were there films and drop drills made for surviving nuclear wars? 

To help prepare and calm the nerves of the American public, especially children, regarding their survival 


Why was TV used to spread anti-Communist information?

After the 40's and early 50's, Television was more popular than going to the movies, so propaganda was spread through TV.


What was the name of the group that accused people of being s communist?



How did the cold war influence media and the society surrounding it?

ya yeet


Why did romantic songs fail but songs about the Cold War and nuclear disaster didn't?

Everyone feared impending nuclear war, so they found songs about that relatable.


Why were filmmakers and actors blacklisted in Hollywood?

Suspected of being communist sympathizers


What year was the Federal Civil Defense Administration (FCDA) created?



Explain how society changed in America over the duration of the late 1940's and the 1950s and the events that influenced them

Nothing to see here


What villainous figures replaced aliens and monsters in movies during the 40s until 1954?

Communist traitors


How did McCarthyism increase peoples suspicion of others?

Suspicion that US was being attacked by communist spies from within. People feared that they would be accused of being communist.


How did the Soviet Union respond to NATO making west Germany a member?

Warsaw Pact


What religious group lobbied the addition of "under God" to the pledge of allegiance?

Knights of Columbus (Catholic)


What did the combination of HUAC and the Truman Administration lead to ?

It lead to the 'Red Scare' where government officials were increasingly more actively pursuing citizens they deemed suspect communists. 


Which program led to the fact that people had to lose their freedom and civil rights in the name of this program?

The National Security


Name two movies that were made with anticommunist themes.

My Son John, Big Jim Mclain, Invasion USA, I was a Comm For the FBI


Name three reasons why society feared and suspected people of being a communist

Hollywood Blacklisting, Spy cases and their executions, Truman's containment policy, NORAD and the Red Scare


In what way did the U.S and Soviet Union create propaganda to influence their people?

Both Governments took action in producing films to influence the mind of the people around the world against each other.