International tourism was made possible due to rising living standards, shorter work year, and longer paid vacation time.
True or False?
The motivations, roles and social relations of tourism, the structure and dynamics of the tourism system, and of touristic institutions, the nature of attractions and the representations and the impact of tourism on host societies.
What is it?
The social aspects of tourism
stands for what?
United Nations World Tourism Organization
Bonus: What did they agree on? Gain 100 points.
Name the 3 presenters
Irina, Beatriz, Taylor
Bonus: What chapter are we covering? Gain 100 points.
UNWTO issued a declaration in which world leaders committed themselves to time bound target and benchmarks by 2015.
True or False
Poverty, Hunger, Poor health, Lack of Eduction, Poor Access to Clean Water, Sanitation, and Shelter.
These issues are apart of what?
The 8 goals highlighted by the declaration- “Harnessing Tourism for the Millennium Development Goals”
International Tourism became a modern phenomenon in?
a. 1940
b. 1945
c. 1965
d. No idea
B. 1945
What were the 2 examples we gave of Overtourism?
Machu Picchu and Venice
Bonus: Where are they located? Can you add 1 more example? Gain 100 points.
The stages of the Irridex of Tourist Irritation is as followed…
1. Euphoria 2. Antagonism 3. Annoyance 4. Apathy 5. Acceptance
Bonus: Put them in the correct order. Gain 100 points.
Tourism Impact Studies, Host-Guest Relations, Tourist Systems, and Tourists and Their Behaviors.
What is it?
Cohen’s Sociocultural Impacts of Tourism
Which one is NOT a viewpoint of Cohen‘s Sociocultural Impacts of Tourism?
A. Tourism Impact Studies
B. Tourist Systems
C. Tourism Developmeat
D. Host-Guest Relations
C. Tourism Developement
Bonus: Which viewpoint is missing? Gain 100 points.
What is Social Tourism?
Is a mean for people who would be unable to experience tourism, it is meant to support both the tourists and the economies of the places they visit and is supplied by the government.
Social Tourism is ultimately done to benefit the economy and reinforce and encourage tourism.
Environmental, Economic, Cultural, and Crime-Related
Are all subcategories of what study?
Tourism Impact Studies
Who commented that ”in the discussion of tourism planning, the conversations of social relations, local institutions, and the condition of the environment were lost.”
Donald Reid
List 2 Costs and Benefits of tourism
Bonus: List 2 more. Gain 100 points.