Coping Strategies
Intent vs. Impact
5 Point Scale

Give an example of a time you flipped your lid.



Name 1 coping strategy you can use at school.

Examples: take a walk, get a drink, use a fidget

What is intent?

In our own mind, what we mean when we do or say something. Our purpose behind doing or saying something.


Someone has just called you a mean name that hurt your feelings and now they are laughing at you. What is the problem? What are your choices? What will you do?

specific student response


How are you feelings at a 1?

Calm, happy


What does it mean to have self-control?

being in control of your emotions and reactions 


Name 1 coping strategy you can use at home.

Examples: snack, favorite show, deep breath, etc.


What is impact?

How something feels to you when you hear or see it. How we react when something is said or done to us.


A field trip that you were really excited for was cancelled and you thought you were going that day. How can you react?

student examples


How are you feeling at a 2?

good, okay

Give an example of a time you disagreed with someone and how could you do it respectfully?



Name a coping strategy that involves an object.

Fidget, squishmallow etc.


Give an example of intent and impact

own examples


You come home to find that your little brother has been playing your favorite video game. Not only has he played it but he has broken it too. He looks upset and apologizes. What would you do?

student specific examples


When have you felt like a 3?

starting to get annoyed


What does it mean to pick your battles?

You really don’t have to bring it up every single time you disagree with someone. 

It helps to have some mental rules to follow.  For example, if you’re in a bad mood, that might be a clue that bringing up a disagreement with someone at the moment isn’t the best idea.  You might have a hard time keeping your cool. 


Name a coping strategy that does not involve an object.

Walk, deep breath, words of affirmation 


Tori, Cassandra, and Julia are all good friends. Tori invites them over for a sleepover, but Julia cannot go because it’s her grandma’s birthday. Tori and Cassandra still have a sleepover, and talk about what a great time it was nonstop during school on Monday. 

What is the impact?

Impact- Julia feels left out and upset hearing the girls talk about the sleepover nonstop. 

You are working on a group project that is due tomorrow. One member of your group has contributed nothing! What would you do?

specific student examples


Why might you feel like a 4?



Why is it important to know how to handle disagreements?

People will want to spend time with you if you don't constantly disagree with them

shows respect

others may be able to understand your position

see you as respectful, mature, thoughtful, reasonable 


When might you need to use a coping strategy?

Frustrated, sad, upset, angry 


Eli and Sina are eating lunch when they remember that there’s a basketball tournament at lunch. They grab a few more bites, then rush from their seats to go watch, leaving their lunch trash behind. After lunch as they walk to class, they see their favorite teacher cleaning up. She looks disappointed and frustrated.

What was Eli and Sina's intent and what was their impact?

Intent- quickly get to the basketball tournament

Impact- someone else had to clean up after them


Your friend is talking a book that they love, but you hate. How can you respectfully disagree?

Student specific scenarios 

Explain a time you felt like a 5 and tell what you did to calm down?
