Your client comes in and says, "I saw a post on facebook claiming that drinking red wine reduces the risk of cardiac disease".
What is Environmental Factor?
Susan is a 22 year old gymnast who struggles with nervosa anorexia. She feels confident that she can make lifestyle changes, but her coach pressures her into keeping her weight as low as she can.
What is Environmental Factor?
Autumn leaves sticky notes on her mirror that say, "You've got this" and "You will pass MNT!"
What is Behavioral Factor
What is Environmental Factor?
Henry, a 35 year-old man was just diagnosed with Type II Diabetes. His family and friends are willing to support any changes he needs to make, but he doesn't think he'll be able to cut out the sugars like he needs to.
What is Cognitive Factor?
Mr. Pellham runs marathons to relieve the stress of being a college professor.
What is Behavioral Factor?
A client comes in who has succeeded in their first steps of behavior change and prompts you to help them create more longterm goals.
What is Behavioral Factors?
Tammy stuggles with high blood pressure. She was told by the RD that she is borderline hypertensive. She wants to make changes, but isn't sure how.
What is Cognitive Factor?
Samantha used to see her glass as being "half-empty" but now believes it is "half-full"
What is Cognitive Factor?