What to do instead
How do I feel?
How do THEY feel?
What should I do?

David went to the movies with his friend. While watching the movie, his friend would not stop texting and it was disrupting the movie. He stormed out of the movie and left because he was so frustrated. 

What could he have done instead?

Quietly let his friend know that their texting is bothering him


My best friend invited people over to play video games but didn't invite me. I found only found out because I saw them all together on social media. 

I feel...

Sad, upset, frustrated, annoyed, angry, etc... 


We threw my friend her first surprise party! She came home to balloons, presents, a cake, and all of her friends! 

She feels...

happy, loved, excited, surprised, etc. 


All of my friends went to the movies without me and I would have really liked to go. 

What should I do next?

Let them know I would like to go next time. 


John was waiting in line to pay for his groceries and has been waiting in the long line for almost 15 minutes now. Suddenly, someone cuts in line without even looking at him! John yells, "Hey! You cut in front of me!" 

What could've John done instead? 

John could have said, "excuse me, the line begins back there" and pointed to the end of the line 


I was too busy last night and did not have enough time to study for my test today. It's time to take my test and I do not feel prepared at all.... 

I feel...

nervous, scared, worried, etc. 


Harry was the only person in class to fail our math test. Now he has to come in during lunch and retake it. 

Harry may feel...

Confused, frustrated, embarrassed, nervous, etc. 


I saw my friend drop a $20 bill from her pocket when she was rushing off to class. 

What should I do next? 

Pick it up and bring it to her 


Kelly really wanted to go see a new scary movie that came out but her friend Tara is afraid of scary movies and would rather see a comedy. Kelly yelled at Tara and said, "You're such a cry baby! It's just a scary movie you wimp!" 

What should have Kelly said instead? 

B. Kelly should ask her friend if they could comprise and choose a different movie together. 


My friends surprised me on my birthday with a cake, presents, and tickets to see my favorite band!

I feel...

Excited, happy, loved, appreciative, etc. 


Maddy was walking into the cafeteria and tripped and spilled her lunch all over the floor and everyone started laughing. 

Maddy may feel...

Embarrassed, sad, frustrated, annoyed, angry


I'm in a rush at the airport and need to get to my gate soon but the person in front of me is walking really slow and is in my way. 

What should I do next?

Just go around them or find another path 


Derek saw his friend Ben making fun of the new kid in school. Derek felt bad for the new student, but didn't want Ben to make fun of him too. So, Derek joined Ben in making fun of new student. 

What could have Derek done instead? 

B. Derek could've told his friend Ben, "Hey man that's not cool, just leave him alone." 


It is starting to rain very badly and the thunder and lightning are getting worse. Now, I can hear the tornado sirens going off and I am home alone. 

I feel...

Scared, worried, nervous, anxious, etc. 


I was in a rush on my way to class today and feeling frustrated. When my friend Dylan saw me, he tried to say "Hi" but I yelled, "Don't talk to me right now! Can't you see I'm busy!" 

Dylan may feel...

Hurt, confused, frustrated, sad, etc. 


My friend Jimmy bought new shoes and seems really excited about them. He really likes them and asked me what I think but... the truth is, I don't really like them. 

What should I do next?

Tell Jimmy you're glad he loves his new shoes and that he must be happy to have them!


Kaitlin just got her hair cut and she's really excited to show her friend Natalie. When Natalie saw Kaitlin she shouted, "Oh no! They totally ruined your hair! I hope it grows out soon so you aren't stuck that way for too long!" 

What could have Natalie said instead? 

Natalie could've said, "Wow Kaitlin, I'm so glad you like your new haircut! That's great!" 


I spent all morning getting ready for picture day and finally got my hair and outfit just right. While I was waiting for the bus to pick me up, a car hit a giant puddle of water and completely covered me in mud and water. Now I am dirty and dripping wet. 

I feel...

Angry, upset, shocked, annoyed, etc. 


My friends and I don't really like to hangout with Tessa because she talks a lot. We all planned to hangout today but we did not invite her and kept it secret. But, she knows we are together because she saw our pictures on social media. 

Tessa might feel...

Hurt, upset, left out, sad, angry, etc. 


While I was at the mall, my friend Diane started feeling pretty sick. She said she may be okay but now she is feeling like she is going to pass out. 

What should I do next? 

- Ask for help immediately (call a parent/guardian or dial 911 if she does faint) 

- Have her sit for a bit and get some water to see if she will feel better.