Keeping it Going
Nonverbal Communication
Making Plans
Ending a Conversation
What is one way to greet a friend?
Hey, Hi, What's up?, How are you?
True or False : You should listen to the person who is speaking
How do you show you are paying attention?
eye contact, head up, sit up
Name two activities you can do with your friends outside of school
movies, games, sports, etc

Gotta go! See you later! Later, dude! Peace out! Who could you say this to

a friend


1)Is it appropriate to greet a teacher by saying, "Yo, what's up?" 2) How should you greet your teachers?

1)No! 2) Hi, Mrs. ___ . Hello, Mrs.___  Hi, How are you, Mrs. ____


Your teacher says, "Hi, how are you today?" What can you say to keep the conversation going?

I'm good. How are you?

How does this person feel? head down, frowning, crying, face in hands
sad, upset
You should pick an activity that your friend doesn't like. True or false?
Bye. Nice talking with you. Who could you say this to?
teacher, boss
Think of a conversation starter to use with a friend. (Hint: remember to think about their interests)
Examples: Hey. What are you doing this weekend?, Have you seen any good movies lately?, What's your favorite song?, etc
To keep a conversation going, you should: a) ignore the speaker b) ask a follow-up question c) look away
b) ask a follow-up question
How does this person feel? Voice is louder, hands are on hips or folded tightly over chest, eyes are smaller or squinted, eyebrows down
You can make plans by: a) calling a friend b) asking them in person c) both
c) both - calling a friend or asking a friend in person
True or false: You can use BODY LANGUAGE or WORDS to end a conversation
2 part question: 1)Is it appropriate to high five a teacher when saying hello? 2) What gesture should you use to greet your boss?
1) No 2) handshake
To keep a conversation going you can: a) ask about the other person's interests b) talk about yourself the whole time c) be quiet
a) ask about the other person's interests
How does this person feel? Tapping feet, shuffling things from side to side, rolling eyes
impatient, bored, not interested
Name three things you need to know before making plans with a friend.
what you're doing where you're going what time & day you're going how you're getting there phone number what it costs
Maria is looking at her watch and backing away. What is she using to end a conversation? a) words b) body language
body language
You just met someone new. What should you do first?
Say hi and introduce yourself.
A friend asks you what you are doing this weekend. You answered, "I'm going to a movie." What can you say next to keep the conversation going? (Hint: ask a question)
What are you doing this weekend? Have you seen any movies lately?
Show the class how it looks when you are confused
hands up, eyebrows furrowed

Make plans with a friend. Act it out. Remember to include WHAT YOU'RE DOING, WHERE YOU'RE GOING, and WHAT TIME

example: Mrs. Little would you like to go bowling at Arena Lanes with me on Saturday at 7:30? I'll drive. It costs $10.


A friend is talking to you in the hallway. You need to go because the bell is about to ring. What could you say to end the conversation?

Sorry, I have to get going. The bell is going to ring. I have to go. I have to get to class.