Double Meanings
Hanging Out
Marine Science
The student who sits next to you in math asks if he can share your math book today to do the lesson. Why?
He either lost his or forgot to bring it to school
Two meanings for the word "dressing".
Putting clothes on. Something you pour over salads.
The emotion you would feel if you were trying to tell the principal a story but another student continually interrupted you.
What is frustrated or angry.
What could you say when you see someone you know at school.
Hi! How are you? How's it going? What's up? How was your weekend?

What is a group of dolphins called? 

What is a pod? 

Your Aunt Jane has thrown away all the ashtrays in her house. Why?
She quit smoking.
Two meanings for the word cool.
Chilly or kind of cold. Well-liked and popular.
The emotion you would feel if it were the last day of school.
What is excited, happy.
What do you say when you have to leave a conversation?
See you later. Goodbye. Nice talking to you. I've gotta go!

Which animal produces the loudest sound on the planet?

What is a blue whale? 

It is 188 decibels

The person you're talking to keeps looking at their watch and over to the door. Why?
They might be in a hurry or are not interested in what you are talking about.
Two meanings for the word ruler.
A tool used for measuring inches or centimeters. Someone in charge of a country or kingdom (king or queen).
The emotion you might feel if you had to sit by yourself everyday at lunch.
What is lonely, rejected or left out.
When we talk to someone, what should we do with our eyes?
Look at the person we are talking to.

Which animal can regenerate itself after a trauma?

What is a starfish? 

You come home from school and there is an unfamiliar car in your driveway. Why?
You have company or someone is driving a rental car because their car is in the shop.
Two meanings for the word "fit".
A temper tantrum or losing your patience. The right size. In shape and exercise a lot.
The emotion you might feel if you just discovered the zipper on your pants has been down and you just got up in front of the classroom to give a presentation.
What is embarrassed.
What could say to a group of kids playing basketball if you wanted to join them?
Can I play with you guys?

True or False : The worlds longest jelly fish can be longer than a blue whale.


You usually eat lunch with the same two friends every day. Today, one of your friends is sitting by him/herself at another table. Why?
You got into a fight and are mad at eachother.
Two meanings for the word "Punch".
A type of fruit drink. Another word for hit.
The emotion you might feel if your parents told you that your family has to put your dog to sleep.
What is sad, depressed, upset.
What could you say to a teacher if you're confused with work you are supposed to be doing or if you don't understand the directions.
Could you help me? I'm really confused. I need some help. Can you help me get started. I don't understand what to do.

What fish that has the same name as a bird produces 85% of the sand on coral reefs? 

What is a parrot fish?