Theorists of SC
Social Constructivism and its Origin
Pros and Cons
An elementary attribute to society, is social consciousness. Ideas shape states interests. The result of material objects are not any fault of nature but of man
What is Idealism?
International political theorist (realist) who argued that the structure of the international system had three elements; anarchy, functional non-differentiation of the units; and the distribution of power.
Who is Kenneth Waltz
The reincarnation of realism in today’s world. It is composed of two theories both of course based off of power. One theory is that power is the combined forces of the state to show its capabilities and the other theory is that power is the strength another theory is that power is the strength of your military.
What is Neo Realism?
A single persona who is seen as a key actor to the effect on the world as a whole.
What are individuals?
Satisfies both neo-liberal institutionalism and neo-realism
What is a pro
The belief that a state cannot decay into separate components because they are stronger than the sum of their parts
What is Holism?
Cased a variety of changes for social constructivism. He criticized neo-realism by stating that neo-realists are so fixed on the state that they cannot see the influence that societies have on individuals.
Who is Richard Ashely?
Based off Liberalism, the reincarnation of liberalism and the opponent of neo-realism, This theory relies on the assumption that everyone is searching for the well being of the world as a whole and negotiating is a sufficient enough tool to work out any difficulties. War is never an option.
What is Neo Liberal Institutionalism
The actor that introduced the idea that the international system is made up of three main elements.
Who is Kenneth Waltz?
Creates a marriage between materialism and individualism
What is a pro
A way of thinking that gives more importance to material things, rather than the spiritual or intellectual.
What is Materialism?
The “father” of constructivism, birthing the word in one of his social scientific papers. The idea went on to inspire other theorists to further define social constructivism.
Who is Nicolas Onuf
The the absence of a functioning government causing political and social disorder.
What is Anarchy
A group or organisation that do not align themselves with a particular nation, as well as having no government control. (i.e. Terrorist Organisation or NGOs)
What is Non State Actors?
not supportive or assistive of vulnerable groups in society (to specify vulnerable groups consists of women, children, asylum seekers, refugees, etc).
What is a con
Values thoughts, knowledge, ideas, rules, norms and believes in contrast to materialism. Adhere to norms and rules, not only for the reason of self interests, but also because it seems like the right thing to do (though this may also lead to benefits of actors).
What is Normative Structure?
A German political scientist who introduced inquiry of the relationship between agents (states) and structures (international structure). This is referred to as the agent-structure problem.
Who is Alexander Wendt
The state of hostile notions between the Soviet bloc countries and the Western powers such as (The US, England, etc.) starting from 1945 to 1990.
What is the Cold War?
3 examples of real life actors within Social Constructivism
Who are the UN, Alexander Wendt, USA?
Satisfies actors who believe in relative or absolute gain, as well as those who disagree with the idea of power.
What is a pro
An approach that empathizes on the actors’ attempts to maximize their own interests and how they most efficiently achieve the wanted outcome.
What is Rational Choice?
Where the two theories meet somewhat common ground. Social constructivism is based on less aggressive principles from both theories.
Where do theorists believe the placement of Social Constructivism is in a polarized neo-realist and neo-liberalist world?
The child of neo-realism and neo-liberalism. This theory takes into consideration both negotiation and war as possible tactics. It involves reasoning and most importantly good judgment as well as believing in relative gain. Sees the value in both the state and the non-state actors, as well as the individuals role in society.
What is Social Constructivism ?
Non state actors are equal to the individual person (for example the NGO GreenPeace and the President of the United States)
What is the role of the actors?
FREE POINTS, LUCKY U! What is your response?
What is Thank You?