Case Study: Pepajau Watershed
Case Study: Todos Santos
Case Study: Maize Study
Collective Action and Resource Management (1)
Collective Action and Resource Management (2)

As in the case of the Pepajau microwatershed and in Todos Santos, we can see that the Buena Milpa Project worked with _______ ___________ in order to ensure resilience and climate change adaptation on a local level.

Local organizations/institutions


Which municipality did FUNDAECO work in?

Todos Santos


What is the crop staple that is central to the food security of Indigenous peoples living in the Western Highlands?



What is a society's ability to adapt determined by?

Their ability to act collectively


Who came up with the framework designed to analyse the role of collective action in natural resource conflict and cooperation?



What was a significant variable that aided La Asociación de Organizaciones de los Cuchumatanes (ASOCUCH), an NGO, to build connections with government actors and farmer groups in order to enable community-led natural resource management projects?

They had a long-term presence in the local community.


What did FUNDAECO strive to do by creating protected areas of land?

Attempt to halt natural resource degradation


What approach was be used to adapt a maize farming system to climate change?

Rely on local maize varieties


The main objectives of the ______ _______ Project are to reduce poverty, food insecurity and malnutrition, while encouraging the sustainable cultivation of maize 

Buena Milpa


What were the effects of the Guatemalan conflict which can be seen up to this day?

Inequitable land distribution, ethnic discrimination, poverty, and gender-based violence


What was a barrier in the Western Highlands (integrated into the communities) that ASOCUCH had to face in regards to their history?

a long history of conflict whose tensions can still be felt to this day


What resulted from FUNDAECO’s efforts in Todos Santos in 2010?

The reserve was granted the status of Municipal Regional Park


In which country was the collection of Guatemalan maize seeds stored in?



What is an example of a collective action institution?

Farmer cooperatives, CSOs. ASOCUCH, FUNDAECO


What are the two Guatemalan grassroots organizations that Buena Milpa worked with?

ASOCUCH (local NGO), FUNDAECO (strong local presence and links to wider political stage)


By focusing on the level of the watershed, what resources does ASOCUCH attempt to manage?

forests, soils, water


COCOREMA mediates communication between which two actors concerning the natural reserve management?

local traditional authorities and municipal authorities


How many native Guatemalan maize varieties were returned back to Guatemala in 2016?

Approximately 700


What are the three domains for intervention in natural resource management?

Governance and policy, natural resource management institutions, the action arena


What kind of research can be seen to have taken place in all three case studies?



Which phase of PAR aligns with the climate change vulnerability analysis with the local community in the Pepajau watershed case study?



How did FUNDAECO use humility (principle from PAR) to amplify the voices and ideas from local communities in Todos Santos?

The communities were involved in participatory assessments of areas with high ecological value and sacred/ceremonial sites


What is one reason crop breeding seen as less attractive when finding maize varieties that are climate adapted?

Smallholder farmers face specific agroecological conditions, farmers don’t have the financial resources needed for selective crop breeding, there is no infrastructure to facilitate farmer’s access to these seeds


How can natural resource management institutions influence collective action in the context of governance and social- ecological systems?

They cooperate with all actors to encourage collective action


What about the history of Guatemala does Buena Milpa need to understand in order to conduct their PAR?

the impact of the armed conflict on trust and cooperation within Indigenous communities and in the relationship between these communities and outsiders