Social Skills
Hygiene Social Skills
Health Social Skills
Safety Social Skills
For Fun

True or False

It is okay to get in someone's personal space.


Could make them feel uncomfortable.


What you should do before cooking, after using the bathroom, or after touching anything dirty.

Wash your hands thoroughly.


Should you eat chips and candy as a meal?



Because it is not healthy for our bodies.


Is it okay to be upset if you lose a game?

Yes, as long as you're still a good sport and are not mean to the person who won.

You might be the next winner!


Name 5 types of sports balls

Basket, foot, golf, tennis, base, soccer, volley, pickle

lacrosse, crochet, pool...etc


Is it ok to look into someone's belongings when they aren't looking?


You should never go through someone else's things, especially when they are not around.


I just got a papercut that caused my finger to bleed. What do I do?

Raise my hand and tell a teacher.

Wash it and put a bandaid. 


BONUS-Double Points

True or False: 

 It is okay to play video games all night long.

False.  You should limit technology to 2-3 hours per day and make sure you get at least 8 hours of sleep per night.


True or False

It is okay to leave the classroom or your job without permission.

No. This is not safe, your teacher and boss will not know where you are. 

It also can be considered rude and irresponsible.


What can you catch but cannot throw?

A Cold


True or False

You text or message a friend, but they don't respond the first time or second time. You should continue to leave messages until they message back.


"No answer" is an answer.

Wait for them to return your text.


I just burped loudly in the middle of class. I should say ____.

Excuse me


Name an activity you can do all by yourself.

Art, write, draw, walk, exercise, shoot hoops, etc.


You are out and about with a group of friends. You are walking through a large crowd. All a sudden, you don't see anyone you know. How do you feel? 

What can you do?

Scared, lost

Stay calm. Call or text a friend you are with to see where they went. 

Ask if someone has seen your friends.


What gets bigger the more you take away?

A hole


True or False

My friends are having a discussion about summer plans, but I am thinking about video games.  I should interrupt them and start talking about my game.


Wait until your friends are finished.

It's rude to interrupt.


You want to ask your friend to go to the movies with you? What four pieces of information do you need to give them?

Who will be there?

When will you be going?

Where are you going to meet?

What will you be watching?


What is a hobby?

Something you do for fun.


You don't like the video game that your friend wants to play.

 What should you do?

BONUS-Double Points

Agree to take turns playing a game they like and a game you like.


What's easy to get into but hard to get out of



Someone is talking and you have an emergency that needs to be taken care of immediately.

What should you do?

"IF" it's a true emergency, you should say "Excuse me, I have an emergency"


BONUS-Double points

How often should you brush your teeth?

At least 2 times a day.


True of False: 

All friends have to like the same things you do.

False: you can like different things and still be friends.


Should you go to a park with a kid you just met without asking permission from your parents?

No, your parents need to know where your are and might want to go along so they can get to know this person.


What is full of holes but can hold water?

A sponge