You might feel THIS way if...
You trip and fall in front of everyone.
Name two coping skills or calming strategies you can do in school
Take a break, play with fidget, take a walk
Name 1 place where you feel calm and safe
Now pick someone else to also answer the question.
Do 5 jumping jacks
Now pick someone else to do them too.
What has a face and 2 hands but no arms or legs?
A clock
You might feel THIS way if...
A friend sticks up for you when someone is mistreating you
Grateful, thankful, loved
Name two coping skills you can do at home
Listen to music, watch TV, take a nap
What is a hobby or activity you enjoy doing in your free time?
Now pick someone in class and tell us one thing you know about them.
Jump 5 times
Then say something nice to the person standing or sitting closest to you.
What has a neck but no head?
A bottle.
How can you control your emotions?
know what sets you off, change your thoughts, use coping skills
Name 3 healthy coping skills
Get some exercise, talk to someone, walk away
Positive self-talk is a positive coping skill. Give an example of positive self-talk.
I am good at _____. I am good____. I like_____ about myself, etc."
Stand on one foot for 20 seconds
Now pick someone to tell us what they ate for dinner last night.
Why would a man living in New York not be buried in Chicago?
Because he is still living.
What emotion do you feel most often
What emotion do you wish you could have all the time?
What are some bad coping skills?
Not talking about it, hurting yourself or someone else, breaking things
Two of my best qualities are?
Now tell me two of your teacher's best qualitities.
Spin around 3 times
And tell us your biggest wish
What occurs once in a minute, twice in a moment, and never in one thousand years?
The letter M.
You might feel THIS way if...
You find out you get to go on a family vacation
Happy, Excited
What coping skills or calming strategy do you like to use best?
2 things I'm proud of myself for are...
Now tell us 2 things you want to do better.
Clap 5 times
Now ask your teacher what they are proud of you for.
A monkey, a squirrel, and a bird are racing to the top of a coconut tree. Who will get the banana first, the monkey, the squirrel, or the bird?
None of them because you can't get a banana from a coconut tree.