Skills for Learning
Emotion Management

What are the four listening skills?

Eyes watching, ears listening, body still, voices quiet.


True or False. People can’t have different feelings about the same situation.



Name two ways you can calm yourself down when you have strong feelings.

ex: take a belly breath, count to ten, talk to someone


How could you include someone who is playing or sitting by themselves? Give an example.

ex: I can ask them to play with me. ex: If I am playing tag with my friends and someone is playing alone, I can ask them if they would like to play with us. 

If someone calls you a mean name, what should you do? What should you NOT do?

Ignore them, use assertive words, tell a teacher. Call them a mean name back, push them down. 


What is an example of being distracted and an example of paying attention?

ex: talking to my friend while the teacher is talking. ex: Following the listening rules.


What are physical clues to identify how other people are feeling?

ex: Facial expressions, dropped shoulders, tight fists, eyebrows down, red face, etc. 


Who are three people you can talk to when you have strong feelings?

ex: parent, grandparent, teacher, etc.


Name the problem-solving steps.

Say the problem, think of solutions, explore consequences, pick the best solution. 


Pretend you are really angry and show me how to calm down.

ex: top, name your feeling, take a belly breath.

What is positive self-talk and what does it help you do?

Positive self-talk is saying encouraging things to yourself. Positive self-talk is a strategy for calming down strong emotions.


List three uncomfortable feelings and three comfortable feelings.

ex: angry, frusterated, sad ex: happy, excited, silly


Name two things that happen to our bodies when we’re angry.

ex: our faces get hot/red, face and body is tense, etc.


True or False. It is a good idea to solve a problem without calming down first.



Show me how your body looks when you are following the listening rules.

*eyes watching, voice quiet, body still, ears listening*

What does it mean to be assertive? Or what is an example?

Using a strong, confident voice. "I do not like when you hit me. Please stop." 


Explain one way you can show compassion or caring to someone.

ex: Ask them how they are doing. Give someone a compliment.


What is a choice we might make if we do not calm our anger?

ex: yelling, throwing, hitting, saying mean things, etc.


1st grade: lesson 17- play the video (part 1)- Name Brianna and Ann’s problem without blaming. 

2nd grade: lesson 17- play the video (part 1)- Name Connor and Tiana’s problem without blaming.

1st: they both want to play on the money bars at the same time but only one person is allowed.

2nd: They both want to use different colors for their project.


What is the difference between flexible and rigid thinking?

Flexible thinking: ex: being okay with something not going as planned, doing what you are told even if its not something you want to do.

Rigid: ex: getting mad when something doesn't go your way.


What does an attent-o-scope help you do? Show me what it looks like?

It helps you stay focused. *Binoculars with hands*

Watch the videos of Sally from grade 1 lesson 9. Identify how she feels at the beginning and end of the video. Did her feelings change? If so, why?

Yes. She was scared and worried at the beginning of the first video and happy at the end of the second video. 


Give one example of positive self-talk and one example of negative self-talk.

ex. "I can do this." ex: "This is too hard, I give up."


What are the three fair ways to play?

Trading, sharing, taking turns

What is a snippet?

ex: something or someone who is different from the others but is still valuable and can make a group or a picture special.