Social Awareness
Relationship skills
Decision making

Having an accurate awareness of yourself. This includes knowing your strengths, challenges, values, emotions, and hopes for the future.

What is self-awareness?


Being able to control your emotions, thoughts, and behaviors in different situations.

What is self-management?


This means understanding how other people feel and being able to see things from their point of view.

What is social awareness?


Being able to build and maintain positive connections with others.

What is relationship skills?


Choosing what to do after thinking about different options.

What is decision-making?


This strategy for increasing self-awareness includes writing thoughts, dreams, hopes and feelings down.

What is journaling?


This strategy for self-management can be used when feeling angry or upset.  It gives you time to calm down and think before you act. pause and take deep breaths or count to 10 before reacting.

What is stop and take deep breaths/count to 10.


The strategy for social awareness that when someone is speaking, you give them your full attention, maintain eye contact, and avoid interrupting. Nod or ask questions to show you’re listening.

What is active listening?


The strategy to improve relationship skills that when a friend is talking, focus on what they’re saying without interrupting. Show that you’re listening by nodding or asking follow-up questions.

What is active listening?


This strategy for improving decision-making includes writing down all the choices you have when faced with a decision. Seeing them on paper can help clarify your thoughts.

What is making a list of options?


Techniques for managing your emotions, such as taking a deep breath when you feel angry or stressed, counting to 10, or finding a quiet space to calm down.

What is self-regulation?


This strategy for self-management helps you stay organized and manage your time better, ensuring you complete tasks on time.

What is using a planner or checklist?


The strategy for social awareness when you notice nonverbal cues like facial expressions, gestures, and posture to understand how others might be feeling without words.

What is reading body language or facial cues?


The strategy for improving relationships that when discussing feelings or having a disagreement, say things like, “I feel upset when…” instead of blaming others. This helps express emotions without escalating conflicts.

What is using I-statements?


This strategy for improving decision-making includes making a list of the positive and negative consequences. This can help you weigh the benefits against the drawbacks.

What is listing pros and cons?


This strategy includes setting short-term and long-term personal goals (improving in a subject, managing time better, being kinder to classmates) and tracking progress.

What is goal setting?


The strategy for self-management breaks big tasks (like a project or studying for a test) into smaller, manageable steps with a clear timeline.

What is setting goals?


The social awareness strategy of noticing when someone is struggling and offering to help them or complimenting them.

What is showing empathy?


The strategy to improve relationship skills when someone is upset, try to understand how they feel. Ask them how they’re doing and offer support.

What is using empathy?


This strategy for decision-making includes talking to trusted adults, friends, or family members about your decision. They might offer insights you hadn’t considered.

What is asking for advice?


This strategy can be used when you are feeling down, hopeless or sad.

Write or say to yourself what you are grateful for/using a gratitude journal. 


The self-management strategy when you think through problems by identifying the issue, thinking of possible solutions, choosing one, and trying it out.

What is problem-solving?


The social awareness strategy of learning how to calmly talk through disagreements by using "I" statements and working together to find a solution that everyone agrees on.

What is conflict resolution?


This strategy for improving social skills involves when disagreements arise, calmly talking it out with your friend. Discuss what happened, and how each of you feels, and work together to find a solution.

What is conflict resolution?


This strategy for improving decision-making includes picturing what might happen if you choose each option. Imagining the future can help you see which choice feels right.

What is visualizing?