A kid in your class is picking on another student and then they start to cry. What is a good choice you can make in this situation?
You can tell the teacher, ask the kid to stop doing that, ask the kid who is crying if he is okay.
Kids with ADHD sometimes have trouble doing this when someone is talking.
Paying attention.
When someone is standing too close to me and in my personal space, what can you do?
Ask them to please move a bit further.
If we are feeling frustrated in class, what is something that we can do?
Ask to take a break, ask the teacher for help, ask to sit in the hall, get a drink of water.
You can also ask to see a Mental Health Staff if you need additional support.
Do friends need to like all of the same things?
NO! It is okay to be different :)
You see a kid eating lunch by himself in the cafeteria, what is something you can do?
Offer to sit with them or invite them to join you and your friends at your table.
What does ADHD stand for?
Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder
We need to treat ourselves, others and ______________ with respect.
This is how you feel when something funny happens.
Happy, Excited, Silly
Quietly raise your hand.
How can we show kindness to others?
Share, give compliments, play with them, take turns, be respectful, listen
A person with ADHD might find it hard to .....
Sit still, stay focused, follow directions, stay in one place.
If someone says something mean, you can set a boundary by saying....
Your heart beats fast and your hands might get sweaty when you feel this way.
Nervous, scared
True or False: Friendships require a lot of work.
True - sometimes we have disagreements/fights with our friends and we may need to take a break from each other or talk it out so we can fix the problem.
What can friends do if they have a disagreement with each other?
Talk it out, agree to disagree
Some kids with ADHD take this to help them focus better.
If a friend does not want a hug, you should do this instead..
Respect their choice or ask what they are comfortable with.
When someone takes your turn when playing a game how might you feel?
Frustrated, mad, sad
If we are not friends with someone in our class, we still need to do what?
Holding the door open for someone is an act of this?
ADHD is something that affects what part of our bodies?
Our brain
This is an invisible line that helps people feel safe and respected.
When you are mad, what are some good, safe ways to calm down?
Take deep breaths, take a walk, use our coping skills
When a new student joins your class, a a kind thing to do is this.
Ask them to play with you and your friends, ask their name and introduce yourself.